Studyspark Study Document

Abortion Debate While Legal Aspect Term Paper

Pages:4 (1160 words)

Subject:Social Issues

Topic:Against Abortion

Document Type:Term Paper


Even the laws on statute books charge the parents with crimes punishments varying from a few years to death (Need for repealing Hudood Ord stressed, 2003).

In such societies abortion is the only solution of protecting the woman and 'the family name'. Unfortunately, abortion is also illegal in most of these societies. The result is that people have to find sympathetic (and money demanding) private clinics, resort to unsanitary back street abortion clinics (Gabon: Illegal Abortions, 2005) or find women who perform abortion by using antiquated techniques. The result is that thousands of women are rendered infertile or loose their lives in these illegal abortions. These women will surely prefer not to have the sword of the law hanging over their heads too. Legal abortion in such cases in these countries will be considered a blessing. Banning abortion under all situations in developed countries will only help retain these laws in conservative societies. Until a change in societies' attitude towards sex outside marriage and recognition that pregnancy could result in some of these cases, keeping abortion illegal can only be considered inhumane.

Most of the religiously inclined societies restrict access to birth control devices. In a village in Ireland or Saudi Arabia it is not easy for a young man (married or unmarried) to go to the nearby chemist to buy contraceptives. It is just too embarrassing for the young man. The consequences of these attitudes combined with illegality of abortion has created situation, which are not easily comprehended by those living in sexually free societies. Making abortion legal would be the most humane act in these countries.

The plight of the women affected by the abortion being illegal in these countries makes us appreciate the importance of keeping abortion legal. The question remains is that if we can consider it a woman's right to choice to the extent that we can discard all considerations of the welfare of the unborn child or that if it could have sustained itself outside mother's womb in an incubator, for example. My view is that we must be careful in safeguarding the interest of the unborn child while accepting that during the first half of the pregnancy the fetus is a growing organism incapable of sustaining life outside the mother's womb and if the circumstances justify it should be kept legal to during the first trimester of the pregnancy on parents request and after wards till the first half of the pregnancy, the parents should be provided guidance regarding the other options available to them..


Pro-Abortion lobby rejects the religious arguments regarding when the life begins. Their argument is that during most of the development period the fetus is incapable of living outside the womb and cannot be considered as independent being. Pro-life campaigners (as pro-abortionists are often called) emphasize that the pregnant woman is a living being and her suffering or affect of unwanted pregnancy on her life is more important than the interest of a fetus.

Pro-abortionist point out that abortions were taking place when it was illegal, thousands of women were dying in those illegal abortions but the advocators of life did not show any concern for their suffering (U.S. exports anti-abortion policy, 2003). Pro-abortionist point out that most reasonable Americans reject the notion that abortion is wrong in all circumstances. 77% (Legal Abortion: Arguments Pro & Con, 2005) Americans believe that under circumstances abortion is the correct moral choice. Pro-abortionist point

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Pro-Abortion lobby rejects the religious arguments regarding when the life begins. Their argument is that during most of the development period the fetus is incapable of living outside the womb and cannot be considered as independent being. Pro-life campaigners (as pro-abortionists are often called) emphasize that the pregnant woman is a living being and her suffering or affect of unwanted pregnancy on her life is more important than the interest of a fetus.

Pro-abortionist point out that abortions were taking place when it was illegal, thousands of women were dying in those illegal abortions but the advocators of life did not show any concern for their suffering (U.S. exports anti-abortion policy, 2003). Pro-abortionist point out that most reasonable Americans reject the notion that abortion is wrong in all circumstances. 77% (Legal Abortion: Arguments Pro & Con, 2005) Americans believe that under circumstances abortion is the correct moral choice. Pro-abortionist point

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