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Death of a Salesman Culture and Gender Essay

Pages:2 (701 words)



Topic:Death Of A Salesman

Document Type:Essay


Death of a Salesman

Culture and Gender in Death of a Salesman

American culture is clearly changing. Yet, many within it are refusing to adapt, and are continuing to hold on to outdated middle class values that don't work within today's social context. This is Willy Loman. Arthur Miller presents a sad but realistic look at the destruction of the American Dream and middle class values within his work Death of a Salesman, which also upholds the antiquated gender stereotypes which seem to only quicken Willy Loman's fall into dismay.

There are a number of cultural conflicts present within the work. Essentially it shows the dismemberment and destruction of the middle class values of working hard that were created hundreds of years ago in a much different social space. Willy Loman is essentially a "salesman with delusions of grandeur, and was written more than 60 years ago, but it seems equally fresh today," (Meilkleham 1). He is stuck in a changing world, but refuses to change -- instead continuously clinging to the dream he never achieved so long ago. His destruction is essentially the destruction of the American Dream (Geary 1). In this, Miller is showing that the American Dream is no longer possible in today's contemporary existence. No matter how hard Loman works, he is still a failure. This then changes the entire dynamic of what it feels like to be American. When reaching your dreams is no longer a possibility, what is next? Biff represents a more contemporary American culture, one which is hell bent on survival rather than illusions of success. The play itself has great ties to the current American cultural environment. It has been adapted so well into American culture that it is constantly reproduced and referenced in pop culture (Richard 1). Contemporary American culture greatly agrees with Miller's message, showing clear signs of his message's truth.

There are also major attitudes about old and aging gender roles, and how when they continue to be played out they only reinforce the oncoming destruction. Loman plays the typical male role in the house. He is the…

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