Studyspark Study Document

Economic Ordering Quantity the Two Term Paper

Pages:3 (917 words)


Topic:Managerial Economics

Document Type:Term Paper


It might seem more economically beneficial for the company to store a maximum of only twenty bags of flour, as this is the minimum amount that the company needs to receive from the distributor in order to receive the discount, but this would not leave them any safety supply. With twenty-four bags of flour stored at a maximum, the bakery will have four extra bags of flour -- two days' worth of inventory -- on hand at the time of scheduled deliveries. This will allow them to continue operations for two days even with an interruption or delay in the delivery of the flour.


Establishing leadership teams for each department and/or office of a given company whose members are selected particularly for their cultural diversity (as well as other necessary leadership qualities, of course) would be an effective way for any company to handle the changes in the workforce and in operations due to increasing globalization. Relying on multicultural leadership teams rather than the traditional schema of single leaders -- typically leaders that represent the cultural identity of the company's country of origin and sometimes the specific office/department's country of operation, if different -- will allow for broader perspectives to be employed at the operational decision-making level, and will greatly expand the multicultural nature of the dialogue that takes place between the office and departments of larger organizations and the corporate executive officers. These leadership teams would enable greater levels of intercultural understanding between the company and its vendors/clients in other countries and cultures, and will also be very useful in terms of the development, retention, and treatment of its human resources, all of which will also enhance the ethicality and the efficiency/efficacy of the various offices and departments, and the company as a whole.

The selection and development of these leadership teams would need to take place on a company-by-company and possibly even an office-by-office (or department-by-department) basis. The multicultural needs of each company/office/department's workforce should be the primary concern in the selection and development of these leadership teams, ensuring adequate and direct inclusion and access of each and every employee within the company/office/department. This leadership schema will have other benefits as well, such as multiple learning and thinking styles.

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