Studyspark Study Document

Health Care Reform and Occupational Essay

Pages:2 (683 words)



Topic:Medicare Reform

Document Type:Essay


The SG2 report (2010, p. 9) also mentions academic medical centers (AMCs), which will have enter into affiliation agreements in order to comply with the reformed care laws. This will furthermore mean more integrated physician networks and it integration, as mentioned above.

Two further important factors are mentioned by Moyers (2010). She notes that the inclusive nature of health care definitions for occupational therapists is a significant step forward in terms of recognizing the profession as a legitimate health care service. Occupational therapy, for example, is specifically included in the "Innovations in the Health Care Workforce" section of the new legislation. This is significant, because occupational therapists will now be eligible for state workforce grants, slots on the national commission on workforce, and other similar privileges enjoyed by other health care providers.

Other items, excluded from the bill, is the second item the author mentions. She notes that one of these amendments would have allowed physical therapists direct access to rural area patients without the prescription of a physician. This would have excluded occupational therapists. However, lobbying by AOTA ensured that occupational therapists were included in the amendment.

In conclusion, the reform of health care legislation addressed above entails both advantages and challenges for the occupational therapy profession. While it is now a much more recognized profession within the health care sector, a major challenge is the influx of patients, both in hospitals, in homes, and in other sectors. The challenge will be to provide an effective platform for managing these patients and treating them effectively. Once sufficient it and integrated communication is in place, this challenge can prove to be another advantage, for both patients and health care workers.


Davis, P.A., Hahn, J., Morgan, P.C., Stone, J., and Tilson, S. (2010, Apr. 23). Medicare Provisions in the Patient Protection. Retrieved from:

Moyers, P. (2010, Mar. 25). What Health Care Reform Means to Occupational Therapy.

Retrieved from:

Sg2 Special Report: (2010, May). The Impact of Health Reform

Sample Source(s) Used


Davis, P.A., Hahn, J., Morgan, P.C., Stone, J., and Tilson, S. (2010, Apr. 23). Medicare Provisions in the Patient Protection. Retrieved from:

Moyers, P. (2010, Mar. 25). What Health Care Reform Means to Occupational Therapy.

Retrieved from:

Sg2 Special Report: (2010, May). The Impact of Health Reform

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