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Pages:3 (976 words)
Document Type:Term Paper
A boss who preaches burning the midnight oil but goes home at 5pm, leaving everyone else to labor long hours on a hectic Friday night, will garner little respect. Employees are just as mindful of what their boss is doing as he or she is of what employees are doing. It is essential to 'walk the walk' as well as 'talk the talk.'
Showing care and concern cannot be underestimated, either. Helping employees through difficult times is also a way to foster loyalty to an organization. Who will be more loyal, an employee who is forced to punch a clock, regardless of what is going on at home, or an employee whose company shows respect for her need for flex time, to take care of her young daughter at home? An employee who feels that his or her company cares is less likely to take needless sick days, to be late, and to take advantage of the good graces of his or her employer.
Taking an interest in employees also means spotting and nurturing top talent. Human talent is every company's greatest resource, and a participative and boundary-crossing style enables managers to understand what employees are most concerned about improving their careers and standing at the company. By moving in their day-to-day life through the many levels of hierarchy at the company, mangers can spot talent at every level. They must give talented performers the necessary resources to develop their skills further, whether this is encouragement or education or both. Ignore talent, and it will flow elsewhere -- to your competitors!
Like many people with my leadership style, although not strictly part of the type description, I would like to think that my leadership has charismatic elements to it, even if my decisions are grounded in practicality and humanity. I think that taking a one-on-one approach with people and encouraging them to want to do what they need to do is the most effective way to lead. The danger with the human relations specialist leadership style is that it can be too collaborative, and at times too lax, if too much authority is delegated and there is not enough supervision of employee's activities. Also, the company must be on-board with this type of style, and not ignore the human relations specialist's desire to use education, delegation, participative leadership, consultation, and flexible benefits as part of the carrots to encourage people to reach a higher level of performance. All leadership styles are to some degree contextual, and the organization where one is a leader will invariably influence how that style is executed. However, that is one reason that I have always sought out organizations that regard human beings as valuable resources, and not merely cogs in a machine. I know I am at my best when I feel that my team is functioning at their best.
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Leadership Theory in a Changing and Globalizing Marketplace Modern business practice is permeated by the complexities of a changing world. The impact of globalization on the cultural makeup of companies, the effects of the global recession on the conventions of daily business and the evolutionary shifts brought on by emergent technology all call for an orientation toward simultaneous stability and adaptability. Only under the stewardship of a qualified, communicative, flexible and
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Leadership Portfolio Political tactics are essential for quality leadership. It is important to be tactful in all situations, and to understand the confounding variables that can impact communication clarity. Politics refers to skillful communications and strategic decision-making. Compromises are critical to good politics. For example, we were working with a large team of over 25 people. Each person had a clearly defined role, but there came a time when egos started
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Leadership and Organizations: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs The theories of leadership date way back to when dynasties existed and people were led by kings. The leader took control and made decisions whenever disputes arose. The question of leadership qualities may not have been all that important then, but people still considered some to be better leaders than others. It would be prudent to begin by giving the fundamentals of the
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Leadership Theories The role of leadership in business organizations Many leadership theories have been applied, in different organizations, to help in attainment of the objectives of the organization. Leadership theories are many, but the most common include the trait theory, which assumes that different people inherit the qualities and also traits of leadership and later suit for the position of leadership. The characteristics related to the trait theory are behavioral and personality
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Leadership is defined as the procedures that individuals use as authority over others to achieve an objective. The action also provides direction in a manner that makes an organization more coherent and cohesive. Three-Skill Approach This approach refers to three skills including human, technical, and conceptual, which form the fundamental personal skills required in leadership. Technical skills involve proficiency in and knowledge about some defined activities or work. It includes analytical ability,
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Leadership is the process of directing the behavior of others toward the achievement of some general objectives. Effective leadership is very important for molding a group of people into a team, shaping them into a force that serves as a sustainable business benefit. Effective leaders have an inspirational vision. Forethought and change expectation is their hallmark. Leaders know how to make people function in a joint fashion, and how to