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Legal Structure and Google Term Paper

Pages:3 (938 words)


Document Type:Term Paper


Google Company Analysis

Company Background

The company under scrutiny is Google Inc. At Google's new parent company, their employees stand at 72,053 full-time employees (Statista). The vision of Google is "to provide access to the world's information in one click." The mission statement is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Google operates in all countries where the Internet is but is operates in 100 countries around the globe but has 25 countries that have partially blocked Google's services (Google Inc., 2015).

Google is a global technology company that deals in designing. Moreover, it offers various products and services to its subscribers. Google Inc. has a primary focus on web-based search and tools of display advertising, consumer content, desktop systems, hardware products, commerce, and enterprise solutions. The customers of Google are worldwide. The main competitors included Yahoo (YHOO) media company AOL, and Internet pioneer. Moreover, it competes with Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Other competitors include Gannett Company, IAC Interactive, and The Walt Disney Company among other database pioneer and services of technology giants like Oracle.

Last year, the annual revenue at Google was $89.7B, their annual profit was $19.5B, and this resulted in a net profit margin at 21.71%. The Chief Executive Officer & Director of Google is Lawrence E. Page while the President & Director is Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin. The corporate headquarters is in Mountain View, California. The last twelve months saw Google attain $841.14 and they expect to reach $1,000 in the next twelve months. The sales of Google reached 6.01 and their book value was 4.16. Google expects to have an earnings growth of +18.73% while its revenue growth for last year was +21.94% (CNN). The legal environment of Google looks at having more regulations on its online privacy. The other opportunity concerns having more regulations on its intellectual property rights that have helped them have credible records with regard to acquisition of property.

Section 2: Company Structure

The number of overall departments at Google including the HRM totals to six that includes the engineering department, research department, storage analytics group, and infrastructure department. In overall, we can say that Google has a cross-functional structure. This means that it is a matrix with considerable degrees of flatness and its three main characteristics are definitions that function-based, product-based, and flatness. Google has managed to use function basis when it comes to grouping its employees. Moreover, it uses its product as a base for grouping their employees and has considerable flatness. Therefore, the organizational structure of Google with regard to their employees, groups or even teams are able to bypass the middle management.…

Sample Source(s) Used


CNN. Alphabet Inc. Retrieved from

Geier, B. (2015). This is Google's secret to making work less awful. Fortune.

Google Inc. (2014). Google Inc. Form 10-K, 2014.

Google Inc. (2015). Company -- Google.

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