Studyspark Study Document

Memory, Thinking Intelligence Academic Intelligence: Term Paper

Pages:1 (457 words)

Subject:Personal Issues

Topic:Emotional Intelligence

Document Type:Term Paper


This is in contrast to making an argument about who to vote for in the upcoming election campaign with a fellow student or the professor in a political science class, where one is more apt to use logic and reasoned discourse, rather than emotion to sway someone to one's position.

Thus, although the usual distinction between academic and everyday intelligence is that one is more dependant upon innate intelligence or ability, and the other more upon learned and acquired behaviors through custom, Sternberg may be wrong, and the main difference may be that everyday intelligence depends upon memory, emotions, kinesthetic or bodily intelligence, and simply upon differently acquired facts and skills than does academic intelligence. A professor of mathematics and a construction worker both depend upon past, acquired knowledge, just in different spheres, and make use of different skills -- one may use the mind more and the body less, except to write on a chalk board, and vice versa for the worker, but both use acquired rather than fluid intelligence, in their work, and both use different kinds of innate abilities.

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