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Meta Analysis Technique in Research Essay

Pages:6 (7160 words)



Topic:Interdisciplinary Studies

Document Type:Essay


Management STRATEGIES IN UTILIZATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY AND WASTE DISPOSALSFOR SUSTAINABILITY" Comment by Owner: You are still not getting it Komi.In chapter three you need to tell your readers exactly how you will conduct the research.Apply the method to the studies you plan to research.Please address all of my comments in your chapter three

A Dissertation Presented using the Meta-Analysis Technique

Komi E Fiagbe

Christina Anastasia PH-D Chair

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

This research proposal explores the link between public perceptions of nuclear power, how those perceptions are formed, and what influence those opinions have on energy policy. These issues are important in light of two realities. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change. Given the threat posed by climate change, it makes sense that nuclear power would be increasing in share, not decreasing. This Research proposal seeks to look at some of the issues facing nuclear power, and how it can overcome these issues to increase share going forward.

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Chapter Three

Research Traditions

There are a number of different research traditions that could be used to understand a subject as broad as nuclear power. Generally, the wide nature of this issue implies that the research methodology utilized, measurements undertaken, and the kinds of people examined differ depending on the study while the topic is the same (Glass, 1977, p.351). The appropriate method, ultimately, depends on a number of different variables. The availability of hard data will determine whether quantitative methods can be used. What data is available is dependent on the research question itself. In the case of this project, the research question focuses on the future of nuclear power. Nuclear power decisions are made most often at the political level, as a matter of national energy policy, rather than the scientific level. In terms of the science, there is little doubt that nuclear power can be used, albeit with some fairly significant risks (Alic, 2012). The most appropriate methodology for this research would be the Meta- Analysis Technique. Comment by Owner: Add more information on this technique. Include citations.Here are the seminal sources on meta-analysis, please incorporate them into this chapterBangert-Drowns, Robert L. & Rudner, Lawrence M. (1991). Meta-analysis in educational research. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2(8). Retrieved September 4, 2008 from Bushman, B. J., & Wells, G. L. (2001). Narrative impressions of literature: The availability bias and the corrective properties of meta-analytic approaches. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1123-1130.Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). New York: Academic Press.Egger, M., & Smith, G. D. (1995-1998) Series of article on Meta-analysis, British Medical Journal, vols. 310, 315, 316.Glass, G. V. (1976). Primary, secondary, and meta-analysis of research. Educational Researcher, 5, 3-8.Glass, G. V. (1977). Integrating findings: The meta-analysis of research. Review of Research in Education, 5, 351-379.Wolf, F. M. (1986). Meta-analysis: Quantitative methods for research synthesis. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

The suitability of meta-analysis technique for this research is attributed to the fact that it's a collection of methodical techniques for resolving obvious contradictions in research findings. This technique also involves translating results from varying studies to a universal metric and statistically examining relation between research characteristics and findings (Bangert-Drowns & Rudner, 1991). According to Egger, Smith & Phillips (1997), meta-analysis is a statistical process that entails integrating the findings of various independent studies that are considerably combinable (p.1533). Similar to any other research process, the use of meta-analysis in this study will be characterized by several steps i.e. formulating the issue or problem to be studied, data collection and analysis, and reporting the findings. Meta-analysis technique is also appropriate for this study since it promotes clear definition and analysis of the issue or problem being examined. Actually, natural, biological, and physical sciences usually enable research problems or issues to be clearly defined and evaluated through uniform and commonly accepted methodologies and measures (Wolf, 1986, p.9).

As previously mentioned, nuclear power is a broad topic that has attracted significant attention in the recent past, which has contributed to numerous research and studies on this issue. In essence, the broad nature of the study not only contributes to use of different research traditions but also generate various kinds of studies. The findings of the numerous existing studies on the issue of nuclear power are relatively fragile as research on the topic is increasing at an astounding rate, particularly because of increased climate change in the recent past. Research findings of existing studies on the issue of nuclear power are fragile since they are characterized by irregularities across several factors such as contexts and classes of subjects. This is usually a major challenge in education research because of the rapid increase in research on dozens of topics (Glass, 1976, p.3). Therefore, the need for meta-analysis technique in conducting this study is relatively clear. Through the use of this technique, the researcher will primarily focus on examining different studies in terms of their information and contradictions before statistically examining their characteristics and findings. This process will be geared towards integrating the results of these independent studies to generate significant conclusions regarding the topic. The use of meta-analysis technique in the study will help generate important information about the issue.

Thus, this is not a paper rooted in the technical sciences, but rather in the social sciences. The matter at hand in the four research hypotheses that are being examined is essentially qualitative in nature. The studies that have been produced are somewhat thin on the ground, there have been a handful of studies, but none so closely related that they can be subject to traditional quantitative analysis. But this does not mean that these studies cannot be analyzed for common traits, nor does it mean that we cannot extrapolate from a grouping of studies truths about the world at large. To be certain, one country's experience cannot fully and smoothly equate to another country's experience, there is always local context, but again, that is inherent in the social sciences. Social sciences work is not conducted in a laboratory, but in the real world. The problem with quantitative studies is that they leave little room for things like context and nuance; only qualitative analysis by an expert practitioner can result in a meaningful interpretation of diverse sets of qualitative and quantitative data, for instance the Meta-Analysis Technique (Ritchie & Lewis, 2003). Comment by Owner: Citations needed

However, since qualitative research does not entail creating research hypothesis, the researcher will also utilize quantitative methods in this study. The significance of quantitative research method is that it enables development of several hypotheses that are used in the research process in order to examine the specific issue under evaluation. On the contrary, qualitative research will be utilized since it is more effective in social research. Given that this study is not based on technical sciences but on social science, qualitative research will be vital. Actually, qualitative research has a longstanding history of providing significant insights regarding social structures, cultures, and behaviors. Moreover, qualitative methods help in development and evaluation of social policy, which makes them effective in social research (Ritchie & Lewis, 2003, p.25).

There are a number of critical competencies that a researcher needs to have in order to apply expert analysis to a given subject matter. The research needs to be able to effectively manage information; the organization of the literature review along the individual research questions was instrumental in developing the needed organization to answer these questions. There also needs to be systemic competencies such as research capabilities, the ability to apply knowledge, the ability to adapt to one's set of circumstances and creativity (Verd, 2010). While using meta-analysis in this process, the research will incorporate each step in this technique. As previously mentioned, there are several steps in meta-analysis technique that will be utilized in this research including ... Comment by Owner: You are talking about research in general, which is fine in the beginning of the section. I need to see specifics on your research.What steps are involved in the meta-analysis How will you apply each of these steps in your researchWhat studies are you researching

Formulation of Problem to be Addressed

The first step in meta-analysis technique is formulating the issue or problem to be examined, which is relatively similar to any other research work. This is the first step in the process because meta-analysis can be regarded as observational evaluation or study of evidence (Egger, Smith & Phillips, 1997, p.1533). This process requires researchers to prepare a detailed research protocol that clearly shows the objectives, hypotheses to be tested, relevant subgroups, and proposed techniques and method for determining relevant studies. During this process, the researcher also writes comprehensive means for collecting and analyzing information from…

Sample Source(s) Used


Alic, J. (2012). Six things to do with nuclear waste: None of them ideal. Oil Retrieved June 17, 2015 from

Alley, W. & Alley, R. (2013). Too hot to touch: The problem of high-level nuclear waste. Review by Konikow, L. (2013). Hydrogeology Journal.

Bangert-Drowns, Robert L. & Rudner, Lawrence M. (1991). Meta-analysis in educational research. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2(8). Retrieved September 4, 2008 from

Bauer, N., Brecha, R. & Luderer, G. (2012). Economics of nuclear power and climate change mitigation policies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 109 (42) 16805-16810.

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