Studyspark Study Document

Opening the U.S. Border the Research Paper

Pages:5 (1666 words)



Topic:Border Patrol

Document Type:Research Paper


In this sense, White has underlined the fact that "the Social Security Administration remains solvent in large part due to deductions taken from the paychecks of illegal immigrant workers, yet Social Security will never pay benefits to those workers. The workers pay in, but they never receive back" (White, 2010). Therefore it can be said that the illegal immigration has a win-win situation.

Overall it can be concluded that the present administration is clearly focused on a hard core policy planning which incurs extremely high expenses. However, the Mexican legal migration system also takes into account the benefits of Mexican immigration. Thus, as stated above, they represent a source for income, for cheap labor, and the availability of Mexicans to come tot he U.S.. Finally in analyzing the matter, it is clear that their eventual contribution reaches levels of social accounts and state accounts. Overall, the migration of Mexicans is not a negative aspect. However, the illegal immigrations have followed one another and can be considered as being in a very dimensional course among others. Still, the benefits would be big as long as their activity is in line with all state run apparatus and rules.


Barack Organizing for America: comprehensive immigration reform. 2010. Available at

Global "U.S.-Mexico Border Fence / Great Wall of Mexico

Secure Fence." Homeland security. 2010. Available at

Migration information center. The U.S.-Mexico border. MPI Staff. 2006. Available at

Secure Fence Act of 2006. United States Congress. 2006. Available at bname=109_cong_bills&docid=f:h6061enr.txt.pdf

Shiflett, Dave. "Mexican border fence cost $3 billion, does nothing: television." Bloomberg. 2010. Available at

US Immigration Support. Illegal immigration from Mexico. 2010. Available at

White, Deborah. "Illegal Immigration Explained - Profits & Poverty, Social Security & Starvation. Why the Federal Government Can't End Illegal Immigration." U.S. Liberal Politics. 2010. Available at

Sample Source(s) Used


Barack Organizing for America: comprehensive immigration reform. 2010. Available at

Global "U.S.-Mexico Border Fence / Great Wall of Mexico

Secure Fence." Homeland security. 2010. Available at

Migration information center. The U.S.-Mexico border. MPI Staff. 2006. Available at

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