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Pages:2 (687 words)
Document Type:Essay
Leadership in School CounselingScenario 1As highlighted by Mary, ASCA competencies are important given that they have contributed to her strengths through identification of life experiences. According to American School Counselors Association (2019), ASCA competencies define behaviors and mindsets that students and professional counselors must meet in the school counseling program. The said competencies also ensure that school counselors have relevant skills that come in handy in emotional development and academic performance. In the present post, I would describe some of my Mary Hopkins strengths as being able to collaborate. Collaboration with other staff, teachers, administrators, and families is important in counseling programs given that it helps in student success and achievement (ASCA, 2019). Another strength that Mary has is the ability to use evidence-based practices in education. Utilizing evidence-based counseling techniques and theories in school setting enhances emotional development and promotes academic development (ASACA, 2019). Further, my colleague has the ability to locate gaps and fill such gaps through creative thinking. According to ASCA (2019), identifying gaps in schools helps in implementation of interventions as appropriate - thus developing student outcome goals. Mary is also equipped with relevant skills to manage crisis situations and trauma among teenagers. The said skills are important in school counseling settings as they could be instrumental in addressing some of the most significant problems teenagers grapple with. Moreover, Mary has good leadership skills in…
…need for the school counselor to collaborate with the community and families to ensure that the learner benefits from available interventions. The teacher could also use his leadership skills to advocate for school counseling programs that are more responsive to the need for collaboration. All these efforts would advance student wellbeing, and thus ensure that they are given a chance to pursue their goals. In present scenario, Lakeisha indicates that social wellbeing and academic performance of a student is not linked to homelessness. The ethical dilemma that the counselor would face would be on safety of the said student. According to ASCA (2010), a school counselor should make appropriate referrals that are likely to be of…
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School Counseling - Singapore School Counseling in Singapore In the article entitled, "Training school counselors in Singapore: first impressions of a multicultural challenge," authors Rivera et. al. explored the history and current situation of school counseling in Singapore. In the article, the authors expressed the need to evaluate the kind and quality of training on school counseling in the country, which requires a culture-specific approach rather than implementing curricula and theoretical frameworks
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Adolescence: A Critical Stage of DevelopmentAccording to the developmental theorist Erik Erikson, the fifth stage of human development is that of adolescence: identity versus role confusion. During this critical phase, adolescents must define who they are as people. They may wrestle with the pressures of academic success, personal priorities, and which peer groups to identify with in school. This period may include a substantial period of so-called acting out on
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" This involves coming up with a list of the consequences of reacting to an event (Budman, 1992). This means that they describe what emotions the activating event made them feel. The principles facilitate being rational because they shift focus from emotions to logic. The group gets an opportunity to look at the problems they face from a rational perspective, which creates room for possibilities. Thinking rationally helps in creating many
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School uniforms for students are becoming more and more popular across the country. Research suggest that schools with a mandatory school-wide uniform policy have better attendance, better behavior, fewer discipline referrals, and more school spirit. Children seem to become more focused on academics. They are also easily identified on campus, in the community, and on field trips, making general safety another benefit of wearing uniforms. It is hypothesized that behavior in
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Counseling Theory Existential therapy, person-centered therapy, and gestalt therapy all fall under the rubric of humanistic psychology. They share a considerable amount of theory, philosophy, and practice. Yet each of these practices is stemmed in its own theoretical framework; therefore, existential, person-centered, and gestalt therapies differ in key ways. Recent scholarship on existential, person-centered, and gestalt therapies builds on the rich canon of literature in these three core humanistic traditions, but
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Faculty In-Service PresentationWhat is college and career readiness?College readiness, as Conley (as cited in Curry and Milsom, 2017) indicates, could be deemed a multifaceted term. In basic terms, it seeks to capture the need for students to be prepared to successfully navigate college life and meet the demands of the same. This entails ensuring that the said students have the disposition, skills and knowledge to successfully transition to an institution