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The Social Problem Film Genre Term Paper

Pages:9 (2725 words)


Document Type:Term Paper


Promising Young Woman (2020): A Social Problem Film First DraftIntroductionFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that as Doles (2023) points out, social problem films (sometimes called social-consciousness films, message movies, or other similar phrases) are films that dramatize some set of concerns, which they depict as broadly representative of the conditions of their historical moment (n.p.). Thus, in essence, a social problem film could be conceptualized as one that fuses or blends a wider social conflict with the conflict at the individual level between the various characters depicted therein. The larger social conflict in the case of Promising Young Woman (2020) happens to be victim blaming and failure to respect the choices and wishes of vulnerable women. Rape culture continues to be perpetuated by failure to bridge the gender power gap in as far as decision making is concerned. It could be argued that it is this power gap that promotes women oppression. It is this same power gap that makes some men feel they have justification to take advantage of vulnerable women.The Public Power Gap in Promising Young WomanThis larger social conflict has been integrated into the conflicts occurring between the films characters by way of the encounters that Cassie has as she pushes thirty. Cassie finds (or inserts) herself into numerous scenarios where her vulnerability (appearing drunk) serves as a motivating factor for some guys to want to have sex with her. Examples of this are the encounter between Jerry and Cassie, as well as her encounter with Neil. The social conflict highlighted herein also ties to Cassies resolve to change the narrative, while at the same time seeking to ensure that her friend Nina finally gets that elusive justice she so deserves. It could be argued that the maintenance of privilege and power over women by men effectively gets in the way of attempts to secure justice for women who happen to be victims of violence. This is clearly the case with Dean Elizabeth Walkers failure to interrogate Ninas reported assault and instead electing to take the perpetrators (AI) side. Further, it should also be noted that the fact that a woman has agency must never be used as justification for oppression or violence (such as rape) in scenarios such as the ones recounted in this text.In the film, The Public can be understood as situations that women have to go through either in public spaces or behind closed doors, because that is where this issue of their devaluation occurs: lip-service is paid to women in publicbut what the public really thinks can be observed when the action actually transpires in private. In this sense, it is similar and different to the situation Jews face in Gentlemans Agreement, where Jews are denied work, homes, and courtesyin publicbut in private sympathy is paid (i.e., the scene with Kathy and David near the end). In Promising Young Woman, what happens to women is always behind closed doors and is shrugged off and women are blamed for what happens. In fact, in the film, the dean actually makes this exact statement. The films first scene is in a public setting, a bar (where this issue tends to take place) and is further explored by the disgusting comments the men make in the dialogue as they observe the protagonist act very drunk. This scene can be contrasted with the Dean\'s office, which is at a college (a public institution also) where these things happen more often than other places by college students. The dean is part of the problem allowing blame to be put on the…

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…with Dave; she tries to insist she is not antisemitic but he asks her what she did about it when someone at a party told an antisemitic joke that disgusted her. The fact is that she, like the lawyer, did nothing about it. This juxtaposition shows how difficult it can be for ordinary people to protest against something they believe is wrong when others accept it as fine in society.Gentleman\'s Agreement deals with anti-Semitism by following a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose societal prejudices. While it critically examines the subtleties of discrimination, the film\'s resolution leans towards individual enlightenment and societal progress through personal integrity. In contrast, Promising Young Woman shows the pervasive nature of its central issue, highlighting the limitations of individual action within a deeply flawed system.In the final analysis, it should be noted that Promising Young Woman (2020) remains a good example of a social problem film that lends weight to the social ill that has been highlighted in this write-up. In this case, we are able to identify with the struggles of Cassie at an emotional level and clearly identify the issue that could be considered a problem in the larger social context. Cassies crusade against this particular concern could largely be defined as empathetic. Thus, Promising Young Woman represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of social problem films. By juxtaposing it with traditional films within the genre, we observe not only a shift in narrative focus but also a broader commentary on societal change. Through Cassie\'s story, the film invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of justice, the nuances of victimhood, and the societal change necessary to address the enduring issue of sexual violence. In doing so, it serves as a modern reimagining of the social problem film, one that is…

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