Caring Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Care Plan

Pages: 6 (1764 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:78842568

...Caring Case Study and Care Plan: High-risk Obstetrics for Women in Rural America.
High-risk pregnancies are a risk to the health of both the mother and her fetus. A pregnancy turns to a high-risk if the mother is suffering from existing health conditions, for example, high blood pressure, being HIV-positive, or diabetes. Other factors that promote high-risk pregnancy include obesity and overweight, early or old maternal age, and multiple births (Lowery, 2018). The problem of high-risk pregnancies is exacerbated by the rurality of the region a woman lives. Americans in rural America often have worse health as compared to the general population. The reason for this disparity is because rural populations are geographically isolated, have low socioeconomic status, limited access to income-generating opportunities, and the majority are older. These problems are even more pronounced to high-risk pregnant women living in rural America. This paper, therefore, explores the case of high-risk……



American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2015). ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 156: Obesity in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 126(6), e112–126.

Gallardo, A. & Martin, N. (2017, Sept. 5). Another Thing Disappearing From Rural America: Maternal Care. ProPublica. Retrieved from 

Healy, J. (2018, July 17). It’s 4 A.M. The Baby’s Coming. But the Hospital Is 100 Miles Away. The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Hung, P., Henning-Smith, C. E., Casey, M. M., & Kozhimannil, K. B. (2017). Access to obstetric services in rural counties still declining, with 9 percent losing services, 2004–14. Health Affairs, 36(9), 1663-1671.

Lowery, C. (2018). “Chapter 6: High-Risk Obstetrics and Telehealth,” in Rheuban, K.S. & Krupinski, E.A., Understanding Telehealth. McGraw-Hill Education. 

National Institutes of Health, (2017). What is a high-risk pregnancy? Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Design And Implementation Of Collaborative Care Model

Pages: 10 (2940 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:59073521

… and then they will be called based on this register. Most times this…[break]…makes it hard for it to create the necessary teams for caring for the patients. Collaborative care model relies heavily on the interaction between different professionals within a team. If there are not specialized professionals … collaborative care model. One of the policy changes would be eliminating the need for a single caregiver being charged with the responsibility of caring for multiple patients all by themselves. Currently, the focus is mainly on individuality. This means that there is no coordination of activities and ……



LaBelle, C. T., Han, S. C., Bergeron, A., & Samet, J. H. (2016). Office-based opioid treatment with buprenorphine (OBOT-B): statewide implementation of the Massachusetts collaborative care model in community health centers. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 60, 6-13.

Overbeck, G., Kousgaard, M. B., & Davidsen, A. S. (2018). The work and challenges of care managers in the implementation of collaborative care: A qualitative study. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 25(3), 167-175.

Sanchez, K. (2017). Collaborative care in real-world settings: barriers and opportunities for sustainability. Patient preference and adherence, 11, 71.

Smith, S. N., Almirall, D., Prenovost, K., Liebrecht, C., Kyle, J., Eisenberg, D., . . . Kilbourne, A. M. (2019). Change in Patient Outcomes After Augmenting a Low-level Implementation Strategy in Community Practices That are Slow to Adopt a Collaborative Chronic Care Model: A Cluster Randomized Implementation Trial. Medical Care.

Unützer, J., Harbin, H., Schoenbaum, M., & Druss, B. (2013). The collaborative care model: An approach for integrating physical and mental health care in Medicaid health homes. HEALTH HOME, Information Resource Center, 1-13.


Study Document Study Document

Single Payer Or Universal Health Care

Pages: 4 (1129 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:78799457

...Caring In Favor of Single Payer Health Care
The American health care system is broken. On this much, almost everybody can agree. Costs are spiralling out of control, health outcomes are among the worst of all developed countries, and nobody can agree on what will make it better. One of the reasons for this disagreement is that different stakeholders fail to agree on what the purpose of the health care system should be. If the purpose is to be a for-profit industry, well, then the industry needs to be set up to earn profits. But the view taken in most parts of the world is that health care serves a greater purpose. Whether this is to provide a high standard of living for people in a country for its own sake, or because healthy populace is better for the economy, such finer points can be debated. But what cannot be debated……



Christopher, A. (2016) Single payer healthcare: Pluses, minuses, and what it means for you. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from 

Ivers, N., Brown, A., Detsky, A. (2018) Lessons from the Canadian experience with single-payer health insurance. JAMA Internal Medicine Vol. 178 (9) 1250-1255.

PNHP (2019) About single payer. Physicians for a National Health Program. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from


Study Document Study Document

Fraud And Abuse In Healthcare

Pages: 1 (353 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:94252025

...Caring Fraud and abuse present significant problems for the healthcare sector, leading to both financial losses and reduced quality of care. The outcomes of fraud and abuse are similar; but fraud and abuse are legally differentiated based on motive. According to Magellan Healthcare (2019), fraud is committed with clear intent, whereas abuse “involves actions that are inconsistent with sound fiscal, business or accepted behavioral healthcare practices,” (p. 1). Determining intent to differentiate between fraud and abuse can be challenging, which is why healthcare leaders need to treat all forms of waste and deception with equal severity.
Healthcare fraud is alarmingly common, with major cases resulting in FBI investigations. Just yesterday, ten retired NFL players have been charged in a case involving “alleged nationwide fraud” on a healthcare benefit program designed specifically for NFL players (FBI, 2019). Cases like these illustrate the high stakes involved in healthcare fraud, showing that the lure……



FBI (2019). Healthcare fraud news. Retrieved from

“Fraud and Abuse: What’s the Difference?” (2007). The Rheumatologist. 1 Nov, 2007. Retrieved from 

Magellan Healthcare (2019). Fraud, waste, and abuse. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

US Healthcare Reimbursement And Insurance Issues

Pages: 6 (1653 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:69275488

...Caring HealthCare Insurance and Reimbursement
Medical Insurance Products and Services
Health and medical insurance represent an insurance coverage form that disburses operation and clinical treatment expenditure incurred by those insured. Such insurance may either reimburse insured individuals for the money they put into treatment for injuries or disease or may directly pay care practitioners. It is commonly a part of the compensation packages offered by organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It constitutes one means by which individuals in different nations pay for their healthcare needs. When individuals hailing from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may either make use of healthcare services, further impoverishing themselves by financing these services, or may forego treatment, stay sick/injured, and risk not being able to function properly or go to work. Regardless of the differences in funding and corporate……



Araujo, M. (2020). Health and medical insurance differences: HMO, PPO, POS, EPO. Retrieved from 

Bertram, M. Y., Lauer, J. A., De Joncheere, K. D., Edejer, T., Hutubessy, R., Kieny, M. P., & Hill, S. R. (2016). Cost-effectiveness thresholds: pros and cons. Bull World Health Organ, 94, 925–930.

Dey, P., & Bach, P. B. (2019). The 6 functions of health insurance. The JAMA Forum, 321(13), 1242-1243.  DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.2320

Ho, A. (2015). Health insurance. Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Retrieved from

IMedPub. (2020). Health insurance. Retrieved from

Maruthappu, M., Hasan, A., & Zeltner, T. (2016). Enablers and barriers in implementing integrated care. Health System & Reform, 1(4), 250-256. 

Sekhri, N. (2000). Managed care: The US experience. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(6), 830-844. Retrieved from 

Strata Decision Technology. (2020). Healthcare and hospital capital budget. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

How Healthcare Policy Impacts Advanced Practice Nursing

Pages: 3 (855 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:35434191

...Caring How Healthcare Policy Impacts APN
Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession
The role of APN is to provide primary, specialty, and acute care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of those who seek healthcare services. Healthcare policies are meant to improve healthcare services, and thus, they affect the APN profession. However, the specific effect of any policy depends on the specific policy (Taft & Nanna, 2008). For example, one of the policies that affected the APN profession was the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This act, at its core, was to provide healthcare to the marginalized, to those with chronic sicknesses, and at the same time, more healthcare from the hospital in favor of outpatient.
Because of the nature of the ACA, the APN profession was impacted through the increment of persons seeking healthcare. There were more- and sicker patients entering the healthcare system, and thus,……



Choi, P. P. (2015). Patient advocacy: the role of the nurse. Nursing Standard (2014+), 29(41), 52.

Flemming, P. L. (2017). Building a Climate of Change with a link through Transformational Leadership and Corporate Culture: A Management key to a Global Environment. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 7(1), 44-55.

Gerber, L. (2018). Understanding the nurse\\\\\\\\\\\\'s role as a patient advocate. Nursing2019, 48(4), 55-58.

Lathrop, B., & Hodnicki, D. R. (2014). The Affordable Care Act: Primary care and the doctor of nursing practice nurse. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2).

Metz, S., Piro, J. S., Nitowski, H., & Cosentino, P. (2019). Transformational Leadership: Perceptions of Building-Level Leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 29(5), 389-408.

Taft, S. H., & Nanna, K. M. (2008). What are the sources of health policy that influence nursing practice?. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 9(4), 274-287.


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Scientific Merit

Pages: 11 (3267 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Paper Document #:78470537

...Caring Scientific Merit Paper
This paper will analyze Doekhie and coworkers’ 2018 research work titled “The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study”. This analysis will entail an evaluation of how the research work contributes to scientific knowledge and research theory, its dependability and credibility, approaches to deal with any ethical concerns relating to the research, and how the researchers applied different techniques of inquiry.
Advancement of the scientific knowledge base
The research work adds to the literature on the subject through examining the issue of patient participation in the health-related decision?making process in the course of primary care team interactions with patients and their informal caregivers within the primary patient care setting. Here, patient participation is no explicitly established idea; instead, the concept is coproduced using interactions and discussions of primary patient care practitioners, reciprocally, with patients and their……



Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.

Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (1999). Establishing the credibility of qualitative research findings: the plot thickens. Journal of advanced nursing, 30(2), 374-380.

Doekhie, K. D., Strating, M. M., Buljac?Samardzic, M., van de Bovenkamp, H. M., & Paauwe, J. (2018). The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1171-1182.

Eccles, M., Grimshaw, J., Walker, A., Johnston, M., & Pitts, N. (2005). Changing the behavior of healthcare professionals: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 58(2), 107-112.

Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design, 12th edition. Pearson Education, Hudson Street, NY.

Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.

Swan, J., Clarke, A., Nicolini, D., Powell, J., Scarbrough, H., Roginski, C., ... & Taylor-Phillips, S. (2012). Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD): advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management.

Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.


Study Document Study Document

Telemedicine And Its Impact On Patient Care

Pages: 11 (3241 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:26347879

...Caring Telemedicine: How does it impact patient care?
The modern health care system is better and considerably more complex than what the situation previously was a decade and several decades ago. According to various researchers, the modern health care system is a managed one, and it widely uses technology in contrast to previous health care systems (Conklin, 2002). The many uses of technology in the modern health care system include the use of technology for diagnosis, for minimally invasive treatments, and better monitoring of vital signs and other signs. Moreover, technology is now also being used to consult with medical experts from all over the world remotely. This has led to improved healthcare and has enhanced patent experience.
Furthermore, many mobile applications have been invented to help both patients and doctors specifically. Moreover, they are not only helping patients recover but also improving their quality of life (Tiago et al.,……



Meyers, A. J., Pontarelli, E., Dutta, S. K., Grinberg, G., & Yenumula, P. R. (2018). Telemedicine Follow-up After Bariatric Surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 14(11), S168.

Tiago, M. T. B., Tiago, F., Amaral, F. E. B., & Silva, S. (2016). Healthy 3.0: Healthcare digital dimensions. In Reshaping medical practice and care with health information systems (pp. 287-322). IGI Global.

Conklin, T. P. (2002). Health care in the United States: An evolving system. Michigan Family Review, 7(1).

Board on Health Care Services; Institute of Medicine. (2012). \\\\\\\\\\\\"3The Evolution of Telehealth: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?\\\\\\\\\\\\" in The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press, Washington (DC).

Sada, A., Asaad, M., Reidt, W. S., Kellogg, T. A., Kendrick, M. L., McKenzie, T. J., & Habermann, E. B. (2019). Are In-Person Post-operative Clinic Visits Necessary to Detect Complications Among Bariatric Surgery Patients?. Obesity Surgery, 1-4.

Krupka, D. C., Sandberg, W. S., & Weeks, W. B. (2012). The impact on hospitals of reducing surgical complications suggests many will need shared savings programs with payers. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2571-2578.

Fasano, P. (2013). Transforming health care: The financial impact of technology, electronic tools, and data mining. John Wiley & Sons.

Burch, S., Gray, D., & Sharp, J. (2017). The power and potential of telehealth what health systems should know: proposed legislation in Congress offers the promise that the nation\\\\\\\\\\\\'s healthcare policy will support the expansion of telehealth, allowing hospitals and health systems to fully realize the benefits of this important emerging approach to care. Healthcare Financial Management, 71(2), 46-50.


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare In The US Vs Healthcare In The UK France And India

Pages: 5 (1534 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:91258753

...Caring Comparing the U.S. Health Care System to Other Countries
The US health care system compares favorably to some other countries in terms of long-term costs but unfavorably to others in terms of quality of care. However, statistics about costs can be misleading because there are administrative costs and long-term care costs; there are also tax payer costs in countries like the UK and Japan, where health care has been nationalized. So household expenses may seem high in the US but in the UK they are also high if one takes into consideration how much they are taxed to pay for universal coverage. This paper will compare the health care systems of the US, UK, Japan, France and India to see how they well they stack up.
Coverage in the US is both private and public. The government provides coverage for individuals through Medicare and Medicaid if they meet an……



Carroll, A. & Frakt, A. (2017). Best health care system. Retrieved from 

CMS. (2010). Annual statistics. Retrieved from

IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from 

Lau, J. S., Adams, S. H., Park, M. J., Boscardin, W. J., & Irwin, C. E. (2014). Improvement in preventive care of young adults after the Affordable Care Act: the Affordable Care Act is helping. JAMA pediatrics, 168(12), 1101-1106.

O’Brien, J. (2003). How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60(22), 2301-2307.

Peter G. Peterson Foundation. (2019). US healthcare compared. Retrieved from s

Sawyer, B. & McDermott, D. (2019). Quality of care compared. Retrieved from 

WHO. (2018). Health report. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Provider Shortage

Pages: 9 (2590 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:93189886

...Caring Executive Summary
The healthcare sector in the United States is facing shortage of healthcare providers, particularly in rural settings. One of the most affected areas in the country is rural Maryland, especially Allegany County, which has been selected as the location for this project. The proposed plan seeks to help lessen the shortage of healthcare providers in the county using MedChi, an organization that provides public health resources in Maryland. MedChi could help address the problem through promoting adoption of technologies like telemedicine and expansion of the scope of practice of non-physician providers. To realize this objective, the organization needs to establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders within and outside the county’s health sector including policymakers. These partnerships should focus on identifying necessary resources for implementation of the proposed solution.
Provider Shortage Proposal
Shortage of providers in healthcare is a major issue facing this industry at a time when patient populations……



Antonelli, A.F. (2019, May 14). Does America Have a Physician Shortage – or Are Our Doctors ‘Just Bad at Managing Time’? Retrieved August 5, 2019, 

Daly, R. (2018, May 22). Healthcare Workforce Shortage Worsening: Senators. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Desmon, S. (2019, March 1). Doctors in Short Supply in Rural Maryland. Baltimore Sun. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Heath, S. (2019, July 11). What Clinician Recruitment Tactics Say About the Physician Shortage. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from

Merritt Hawkins. (2019). 2019 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Western Maryland Health System and Allegany County Health Department. (2011, November). Allegany County Community Health Needs Assessment. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from

Wolford, H.B. (2018, May 28). Allegany County Sees Shortage of Health Care Workers. Time News. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from

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