Civil Rights Movement Essays (Examples)


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Domestic Extremism And Terrorism

Pages: 12 (3640 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16554681

… level with the election of Donald Trump, who is popularly perceived by the Left to be a Fascist (Klein, 2019; Koch, 2018). Antifa movements in the US organized in direct response to events sponsored by supporters of the Trump Administration—such as the Unite the Right rally in … to antagonism from the left via groups like Antifa, and proudly promoting their support for Trump and his policies while denouncing the leftist movement and its violence (DeCook, 2018). Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes attempted to dissociate the organization from neo-nazism and white nationalism, yet the group ……



Breger, M. L. (2017). Reforming by re-norming: How the legal system has the potential to change a toxic culture of domestic violence. J. Legis., 44, 170.

Beinart, P. (2017). The rise of the violent left. Retrieved from 

Brockhoff, S., Krieger, T. & Meierrieks, D. (2014). Great expectations and hard times: the (nontrivial) impact of education on domestic terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59(7), 1186-1215.

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Cramer, E. P., Choi, Y. J., & Ross, A. I. (2017). Race, Culture, and Abuse of Persons with Disabilities. In Religion, Disability, and Interpersonal Violence (pp. 89-110). Springer, Cham.

Dalgaard-Nielsen, A. (2016). Countering violent extremism with governance networks. Perspectives on Terrorism, 10(6), 135-139.

DeCook, J. R. (2018). Memes and symbolic violence:# proudboys and the use of memes for propaganda and the construction of collective identity. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(4), 485-504.

Doyle, E. (Ed.). (2018). Antifa and the Radical Left. Greenhaven Publishing LLC.


Study Document Study Document

Military History

Pages: 7 (2223 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Essay Document #:42630182

… defined as short-term military strategies in the field of operations in terms of the equipment to use, how to use them, and troop movement. According to renowned Carl von Clausewitz, who was a distinguished military strategist and theorist, the strategy is how to utilize battles to win … and trained forces at mass (critical points) are important when pursuing objectives (Phifer, 2012). The maneuver is all about how to coordinate the movement of troops to obtain offensive, surprise, and mass. As it is evident from these statements above, the modern standard principles of warfare are …
It is important to note that new weapons and technologies have not significantly changed several classic offensive maneuvers, including penetration, defense-offensive maneuvers, turning movements, and envelopment.
The penetration maneuver, which is centuries old, is a maneuver that involves concentrating military resources to break the main enemy line. ……



Grieco, K. A. (2018). The 2018 national defense strategy: continuity and competition. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 12(2), 3-8.

Henry, R. S. (2016). “First With the Most” Forrest. Pickle Partners Publishing.

Hundley, R. O. (1999). Past Revolutions, Future Transformations. What Can the History of Revolutions in Military Affairs Tell us about Transforming the US Military? (No. RAND-MR-1029-DARPA). RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CA.

Noel, E. (1905). Gustaf Adolf (King of Sweden): The Father of Modern War. Bale & Danielsson.

Parrot, D. A. (1985). Strategy and Tactics in the Thirty Years\\\\\\\\\\\\' War: The\\\\\\\\\\\\" Military Revolution.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift, (2), 7.

Phifer, M. (2012). A Handbook of Military Strategy and Tactics. Vij Books India Pvt Ltd.

RisCassi, R. W. (1997). Doctrine for joint operations in a combined environment: A necessity. Military Review, 77(1), 103.

Steele, B. (2005). Military Reengineering Between the World Wars. RAND NATIONAL DEFENSE RESEARCH INST SANTA MONICA CA.


Study Document Study Document

How Religious Beliefs Affected Colonial Social Structure In America

Pages: 6 (1917 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:51981649

… them as politicians and the duties expected of them as Quakers and pacifists. For example, the Quakers initially wanted to respect the human rights of the Native Americans, but as the American colonies were not united in this view. The Virginia House of Burgesses, dominated by Anglicans, … no rule banning other religions from establishing themselves. When by the mid-1600s, the Puritans took over the colony Lord Baltimore temporarily lost his rights to the colony and anti-Catholicism spread for decades. Catholics were denied the same rights they had given to Protestants in prior decades. As Graham notes, Catholics were “virtually excluded from political life and new faces filled important … Puritans took over the colony (197).
Hawthorne described life in…[break]…social structure, paid lip service to Enlightenment ideals while in practice only granting “equal rights” to land owning white men.
For that reason, women also had little status in colonial……


Works Cited

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Graham, Michael. "Posish Plots: Protestant Fears in Early Colonial Maryland, 1676-1689." The Catholic historical review 79.2 (1993): 197-216.

Holton, W. Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.

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Pyle, Ralph E., and James D. Davidson. "The origins of religious stratification in colonial America." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42.1 (2003): 57-75.

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