Study Document
… poor raising in preparation for child care and have no proper knowledge of how to care for children. Fathers are commonly referred by courts to attend the parent education programs when the judge feels that there are lapses in the level of parenting skills and education. It ……
DeJean, S. L., McGeorge, C. R., & Stone Carlson, T. (2012). Attitudes toward never-married single mothers and fathers: Does gender matter? Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(2), 121-138.
Greif, G. L., Finney, C., Greene-Joyner, R., Minor, S., & Stitt, S. (2007). Fathers who are court-mandated to attend parenting education groups at a child abuse prevention agency: Implications for family therapy. Family Therapy, 34(1), 13-26.
Haire, A. R., &McGeorge, C. R. (2012). Negative perceptions of never-married custodial single mothers and fathers: Applications of a gender analysis for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(1), 24-51.
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Maier, C. A., &McGeorge, C. R. (2014). Positive attributes of never-married single mothers and fathers: Why gender matters and applications for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 26(3), 163-190.
Study Document
… and explain their function and how they work together?
The three separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system comprise of courts, law enforcement, and corrections. Imperatively, these components are dependent on one another and one would not necessarily be beneficial devoid of the others. … Imperatively, these components are dependent on one another and one would not necessarily be beneficial devoid of the others. First of all, the courts are reliant on the law enforcement to legally gather and comprehensively record and document all evidence and statements made. Secondly, law enforcement works … law enforcement to legally gather and comprehensively record and document all evidence and statements made. Secondly, law enforcement works in tandem with the courts in regard to serving warrants and subpoenas. The third component of the justice system, corrections, are employed in making certain that criminals remain … transportation of convicts to hearings,……
Ortmeier, P. J. (2006). Introduction to law enforcement and criminal justice. New York: Prentice Hall.
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Study Document
...Courts Abstract
The untimely death of Kobe Bryant, a well-known basketball player and philanthropist, sent shock waves through the community. The impact of the death was magnified by the fact that the accident that killed him also took the life of his daughter, Gianna Bryant. While he was mourned by people from all walks of life, his death seemed to hit the African American community the hardest, as he had long been considered a role model for African American men, especially in terms of fatherhood. However, while many people mourned his death, others found it disturbing that posthumous coverage of his death did not address the fact that Bryant had been the subject of credible rape allegations, leading to heated discussions about when it is appropriate to discuss the possible wrongdoings of someone who has passed. This article covers Kobe Bryant’s life, his career, his personal life, and the allegations against……
Badenhausen, Kurt. “Kobe Bryant’s $600 Million Fortune: How He Won On- And Off-The Court.” Forbes. 28 January 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020. Editors. “Kobe Bryant Biography.” A&E Television Networks. 25 February 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
CBS News. “Kobe Loses McDonald’s Deal.” CBS News. 23 January 2004. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
Sanchez, Ray. “Kobe Bryant Was a Living Legend. In His Final Hours, He Was an Ordinary Dad and Friend.” CNN. 3 February 2020. Accessed 15 March 2020.
Wikipedia. “Kobe Bryant.” Wikipedia. 8 March 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
Study Document
...Courts Why American Democracy Has Failed and Why the Anti Federalists were Right
The Declaration of Independence, written in 1776, asserted that “all men are created equal.”[endnoteRef:2] It was an Enlightenment notion: Thomas Paine, an avid follower of the Enlightenment Movement in Europe, had written the Rights of Man to support and promote the ideas of the philosophical revolution that had gotten underway decades prior with Rousseau’s Social Contract and the latter’s pursuit of naturalism in opposition to the Old World values, virtues and order.[endnoteRef:3] The problem that occurred in America was that the Founding Fathers were not of the same mind as Thomas Paine, though they readily used his words and ideas in their Declaration of Independence. Paine truly believed in the equality of all men and he was whole-heartedly opposed to the institution of slavery. The Founding Fathers were not, and the equality they expressed in the Declaration……
Declaration of Independence. (1776). Retrieved from
Rousseau, J. (2018). Retrieved from
Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.
Hunt, L. (2016). "Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights." In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31 (Boston: Bedford), 1.
Hunt, L. (2016). "Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights." In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31 (Boston: Bedford), 5.
National Assembly. “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 26 August 1789.” Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.
Foote, S. (1958). The Civil War: Ft. Sumter to Perryville. NY: Random House.
Brutus No. 1. (1787).
Study Document
Courtship Arranged Marriages and the Romantic Meaning of Love
The primary theme of The Immigrant Advantage by Kolker is that immigrants to America bring … The third chapter looks at the courting rituals of South Asian immigrants in America and shows that Americans could learn a lesson in courtship by reading about this group. The fourth chapter looks at how one can learn and uses the stories of Korean and Chinese afterschool … shared background—shorthand for religion, caste, income, and aspirations—makes up the basic equipment any couple needs for a chance at happiness” (85). For a courtship to proceed, the couple is matched up according to the characteristics of shared background. It is a simple matter of arrangement from that … of love that they nourish and grow into something wonderful. The South Asian view of marriage helps this group succeed in terms of courtship because it matches people based……
Works Cited
Kolker, Claudia. The Immigrant Advantage. Free Press, 2011.
Study Document
...Courts Milestone 1
I. Introduction
As an intern at the legal department of Greene’s Jewelry Wholesale, I am convinced that the company does indeed have significant strengths in as far as its legal claim is concerned. This is more so the case given that Jennifer Lawson did indeed sign a confidentiality agreement whereby she made a commitment to keep any information gathered relating to the creation of Ever-Gold secret. It is important to note that she never signed a ‘not to compete’ agreement. This, however, has no connection to the issue at hand because Jennifer has not necessarily established an enterprise that seeks to compete with Greene’s Jewelry. On the other hand, when it comes to the legal defense of the company, it would be prudent to note that Greene’s Jewelry position would be weak. The subsequent sections of this text not only analyze the facts and laws relevant to the……
Bagley, C.E. (2012). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century (7th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Chociey, E.F. (2018). The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016: An Overview and Analysis of the Statute Establishing a Federal Civil Cause of Action for Trade Secret Misappropriation and Notable Case Law to Date. Retrieved from
Justia (2020). Chestnut v. Stone Forest Industries, Inc., 817 F. Supp. 932 (N.D. Fla. 1993). Retrieved from
Peacock, W. (2013). Breach of Contract, Confidential Info Leak Case: Hallmark Prevails. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Labor (2020). Plant Closings and Layoffs. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Courts Blinded By Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind
In Western culture as a whole, sight or visual eyewitness proof or testimony is taken to be the ultimate proof of veracity, including of the construct of race. But what if sight were actually an impediment to true racial understanding? This is underlined in Osagie Obasogie’s book Blinded by Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind which challenges the notion that racial identity exists outside of social constructs and that race can be identified visually. The book encourages a reevaluation of the concept of colorblindness just as much as race, and instead suggest a new way of understanding freedom of oppression, namely a focus upon equal outcomes and addressing historical injustices, rather than upon attempting to not see race. “It is precisely blind people’s lack of vision that can enable the rest of society to see the……
Works Cited
Obasogie, Osagie. Blinded by Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014.
Study Document
...Courts Functions, Issues, and Objectives in Corrections
The functions of the historical state correctional system have changed since the founding of the nation more than 200 years ago. The Jacksonian Era, the Era of Reconstruction and the Progressive Era on up to the reform of the 1970s all effected different changes to the function—i.e., the goals and activities—of the correctional system. Pennsylvania’s state correctional system was the first to introduce solitary confinement as a way of removing the deviant element from society. This was part of William Penn’s attempt at social reform, a fundamental characteristic of his Quaker ideals (Fantel, 1974). The goal of Penn’s plan was to promote moral rehabilitation and it was believed that through the inmate’s lengthy time alone to reflect on his misdeeds he would begin to develop the moral resolve to reform himself and become a better contributing member of society. Today, solitary confinement is……
Clemmer, D. (1940). The prison community. New Braunfels, TX: Christopher Publishing House.
Compton, M. T., Anderson, S., Broussard, B., Ellis, S., Halpern, B., Pauselli, L., . . .Johnson, M. (2017). A potential new form of jail diversion and reconnection to mental health services: II. Demonstration of feasibility. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 35(5–6), 492–500. doi:10.1002/bsl.2319
Corrections Arizona Department. (2020). Retrieved from
Dryburgh, M. (2009). Policy implications of whistle-blowing: The case of Corcoran State Prison. Public Integrity, 11(2): 155-170.
Fantel, H. (1974). William Penn: Apostle of Dissent. NY: William Morrow & Co. Florida Department of Corrections. (2020). Retrieved from
Hensley, J. & Rough, G. (2011). Kingman prison still under scrutiny. Retrieved from
HIV among Incarcerated Populations. (2015). CDC. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Courts Introduction
Every traditional culture has its norms, which ultimately affect what is considered right or wrong. A clear distinction of this is best illustrated in the Middle East as compared to Western culture, where in the Middle East certain behaviors, e.g., kissing in public, in public is illegal as compared to in the west. This is basically as a result of the differences in the traditional cultures of these two regions, bearing in mind that religion is a core part of any culture. To this effect, it would be argued that culture affects law and identity, and to ensure that there is fairness and justice in any given society, then the cultural context of the people cannot be ignored. In her book, The Cultural Defense, Alison Dundes Renteln argues that \"Culture shapes individual identity in crucial ways. The failure of the law to recognize this has resulted in injustices\" (Renteln……
Renteln, A. D. (2004). The cultural defense. Oxford University Press.
Study Document
...Courts Abortion and Its Ongoing issues in America
The issue of abortion, while never far from the spotlight, has been making headlines again recently as New York passed a full-term abortion law (Tolentino) and Virginia has one similar in the works (North). The Virginia bill has been described as infanticide (BBC) and President Trump has even called for a ban on late-term abortions (Green). However, many Americans continue to be divided on the abortion issue. This paper will describe the current state of abortion in America, the ongoing issues regarding what should be permissible and what should be denied, and how the subject continues to be a major political sticking point.
Abortion has been legal in America since Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that judged abortion to be the legal right of a mother—i.e., she had the right to determine whether to keep or kill her baby up to……
Works Cited
BBC. “Virginia late-term abortion bill labelled 'infanticide'.” BBC, 2019.
Green, Emma. “Trump Sees an Opening With Voters on Late-Term Abortion.” Atlantic,2019.
Kliff, Sarah. “The new Trump plan to defund Planned Parenthood, explained.” Vox,2018.
North, Anna. “The controversy around Virginia’s new abortion bill, explained.” Vox,2019.
Selk, Avi. “‘Jane Roe’ made abortion legal. Then a minister made her rethink.”
Washington Post, 2017.
Tolentino, Jia. “How Abortion Law in New York Will Change, and How It Won’t.” New Yorker, 2019.
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