Critical Role Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Military Leadership Role In Sustainment

Pages: 1 (303 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Journal Document #:96360752

The CSM/SGM plays a critical role in sustainment. Sustainment is crucial for “operational reach,” “freedom of action,” and also “prolonged endurance” (Runnels, 2013). In the role of logistics and coordination during sustainment, the SGM.CSM makes sure the strategies and tactics can be implemented with maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and expedience.
… to receive such services or personnel, and to use creative thinking to solve problems.
ADRP 4-0
FM 3-96
Runnels, J.A. (2013). The role and responsibility of the Command Sergeant Major within the Armor Brigade Combat Team in the Sustainment Warfighting Function…



ADRP 4-0

FM 3-96

Runnels, J.A. (2013). The role and responsibility of the Command Sergeant Major within the Armor Brigade Combat Team in the Sustainment Warfighting Function


Study Document Study Document

Role Of Descriptive Epidemiology In Nursing Science

Pages: 6 (1672 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:28360370

… and improvement of the health of the general public through preventative endeavors instead of curative ones. One of the basic sciences that are critical to promoting public health is epidemiology. As a tool, epidemiology is useful in the protection and promotion of public health through the application … in the given geographical area over time. Descriptive epidemiology is therefore capable of generating etiological research hypotheses (Liu, 2018). This paper discusses the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing today.
Descriptive Epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology refers to a method of data organization and analysis with the goal of … in the testing of various theories and to draw associations between various health outcomes and disease determinants.
In science today, epidemiology plays several role including the identification of emerging health issues, monitoring of the health of populations, reporting on the health status of populations, helping stakeholders prioritize ……



Liu, L., (2018). “Chapter 1 – Introduction.” In Heart Failure: Epidemiology and Research Methods. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 1-12.

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public health nursing-e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Richards, E. A., & Cai, Y. (2016). Integrative review of nurse-delivered physical activity interventions in primary care. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 484-507.

Katzmarzyk, P. T., Lee, I. M., Martin, C. K., & Blair, S. N. (2017). Epidemiology of physical activity and exercise training in the United States. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 60(1), 3-10.

Mandl, M., Halfens, R. J., & Lohrmann, C. (2015). Incontinence care in nursing homes: a cross?sectional study. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(9), 2142-2152.

Oyesanya, T. O., Bowers, B. J., Royer, H. R., & Turkstra, L. S. (2018). Nurses’ concerns about caring for patients with acute and chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(7-8), 1408-1419.

Heavey, E. (2018). Statistics for nursing: A practical approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Colditz, G., Nguyen, N., & Dart, H. (2016). Physical activity and health. In International Encyclopedia of Public Health (pp. 463-472). Elsevier Inc.


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Public Private Partnerships And Critical Infrastructure

Pages: 1 (331 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:35083794

Private Security and Homeland Defense
Most of the critical infrastructure in the United States is regulated by the public sector, but owned by the private sector. As a result, protection of U.S. … infrastructure in the United States is regulated by the public sector, but owned by the private sector. As a result, protection of U.S. critical infrastructure is a major challenge because of complexities in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, safeguarding critical infrastructure is complicated by the sophisticated and growing assortment of cybersecurity challenges (Brooks par, 2). Given the involvement of the public and private … by the sophisticated and growing assortment of cybersecurity challenges (Brooks par, 2). Given the involvement of the public and private sectors in U.S. critical infrastructure, public-private partnerships are vital. These partnerships refer to collaboration between the government and private sector entities in order to realize certain goals … private sector entities……


Works Cited

Brooks, Chuck. “Public Private Partnerships And The Cybersecurity Challenge Of Protecting Critical Infrastructure.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 6 May 2019, .

Busch, Nathan E, and Austen D Givens. “Public-Private Partnerships in Homeland Security: Opportunities and Challenges.” Homeland Security Affairs, vol. 8, no. 18, Oct. 2012, .


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Obesity And Role Of Government

Pages: 6 (1668 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:81197776

Obesity is a critical issue in the United States, and the problem seems to be getting worse in the country and across the planet. As per the ……



AAFP. (2010). Federal government takes bigger role in combating obesity. Retrieved from

Institute of Medicine. 2007. Progress in preventing childhood obesity: how do we measure up?. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. .

Kumanyaki, S. K., Parker, L., & Sim, L. J. (2010). Bridging the evidence gap in obesity prevention: A framework to inform decision making. Retrieved from 

Mitchell, N., Catenacci, V., Wyatt, H., & Hill, J. (2011). Obesity: Overview of an epidemic. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 34(4), 717-732. DOI: 10.1016/j.psc.2011.08.005

Swinburn, B. (2008). Obesity prevention: The role of policies, laws, and regulations. Aust New Zealand Health Policy, 5(12). DOI: 10.1186/1743-8462-5-12


Study Document Study Document

Field Of Organizational Leadership

Pages: 5 (1434 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Admission Essay Document #:68447409

… help establish strategic goals and objectives while motivating employees toward the achievement of these goals/objectives. In the modern business environment, organizational leadership is critical toward achieving the desired success given increased competitiveness. Modern organizations face intense competition from their rivals because of rapid technological advancements and increased … process of influencing others toward common goals or objective. Leadership determines the success or failure of any organization or project because of its role in influence (Wadhwa & Parimoo, 2013). Therefore, leadership is important in today’s society as it can be seen in every aspect of societal … leadership is both a science and an art. As a science, organizational leaders need to possess certain knowledge, skills and attitudes to motivate their…[break]…role, they face the need to enhance their leadership competencies for future responsibilities. A PhD is Organizational Leadership is an appropriate and important degree … enhance their leadership competencies for……



Chirimbu, S. (2014). Challenges of Leadership in Modern Organizations: Knowledge, Vision, Values. Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, 14, 39-48.

Emory University. (2020). About Us. Retrieved from Emory University website:

Environmental Health and Safety Office. (2019). Organizational Chart. Retrieved from Emory University website:

Finley, M. (2016). Chaplain’s Leadership May Come in Unconventional Forms. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Rennaker, M. (n.d.). PhD in Organizational Leadership. Retrieved from Indiana Wesleyan University website:

Wadhwa, S. & Parimoo, D. (2013). Leadership and its Challenges in the Globalizing World. Journal of Management Sciences and Technology, 1(1), 30-37.



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Baseline Tectonics Of The Arabian Plate

Pages: 6 (1813 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:38137867

… had significant impacts on the crust of continent and is linked to the Arabian Plate. Through these plate tectonics, Pan-African Cratonization constitute a critical component of the baseline tectonics of the Arabian Plate. Kroner (2000) conducted a study to examine Pan-African plate tectonics and its implications on … one of the major syntectonic batholith of the Pan-African age and cratonization is the Dahul gneisses. Alongside other rocks, Dahul gneises played a critical role in the Pan-African cratonization and its impacts on all terranes. The period around 600 Ma was regarded as the age of intrusion through ……



Caby, R. (2003, May 27). Terrane Assembly and Geodynamic Evolution of Central-Western Hoggar: A Synthesis. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 37, 133-159.

Kroner, A., Roobol, M.J., Ramsay, C.R. & Jackson, N.J. (2013, February 28). Pan African Ages of Some Gneissic Rocks in the Saudi Arabian Shield. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 136, 455-461.

Black, R. & Liegeois, J.P. (1993). Cratons, Mobile Belts, Alkaline Rocks and Continential Lithospheric Mantle: The Pan-African Testimony. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 150, 89-98.

Heikal et al. (2013, May). Lithostratigraphy, Deformation History, and Tectonic Evolution of the Basement Rocks, Republic of Yemen: An Overview. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7(5), 1-12.

Kroner, A. (2000). Pan African Plate Tectonics and It’s Repercussions on the Crust of Northeast Africa. Geologische Rundschau, 68(2), 565-583.

Nehlig et al. (2002). A Review of the Pan-African Evolution of the Arabian Shield. GeoArabia, 7(1), 103-124.


Study Document Study Document

6th Grade History Instructional Unit

Pages: 8 (2360 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:22116043

… as they provide avenues for promoting and accelerating new ideas. As part of promoting and accelerating new ideas, teachers help students to develop critical thinking, self-reflection and collaboration skills that are essential to promote the creation of a better society (Blake, 2020). Therefore, diversity and social justice … develop a deeper understanding of social justice standards and issues facing African American/minority community. In this regard, students will make connections on the role and impact of ancient civilizations on the development and growth of African American/minority community. These connections help to create a suitable foundation for … also help in discussion of prior knowledge. Since these lessons build upon each other, reviewing students essays or homework will play an important role in assessing and discussing prior knowledge on the topic.
Through assessment of prior knowledge, teachers identify areas where students require help for improved ……



Archdiocese of Santa Fe. (2011). Social Studies Curriculum. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from 

This publication provides an overview of world history and geography as part of social studies curriculum for 6th grade students. It provides an outline of learning outcomes and assessments/strategies that can be employed in a 6th grade history class. These strategies, assessments, and learning outcomes are developed in line with common standards and based on what students at this grade level should achieve by the end of the unit. It was utilized to determine suitable strategies, assessments and learning outcomes to incorporate for the success of this unit.

Blake, C. (2020). Teaching Social Justice in Theory and Practice. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from 

This article examines the process of teaching social justice in relation to existing theory and best practices. The author examines how classrooms are designed to be avenues for social change by promoting learning of new ideas. This article was used to identify a contemporary educational theme in diversity and social justice. The identified theme was utilized to shape the unit content and teaching strategies.

California Department of Education. (2000). History – Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Retrieved from California Department of Education website: 

The publication provides an overview of standards relating to the study of history and social science from kindergarten to grade twelve. Standards are used as the premise for shaping learning content, expectations, and outcomes for students in different grades. Insights from this publication was used to shape learning content, expectation, outcomes, and strategies for this instructional unit.

edCount. (2014). World History and Geography: Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Israel. Retrieved from Tennessee State Government website: 

The article examines grade 6 topic on world history and geography in relation to common standards. The author reviews different subject areas relating to this topic including ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and ancient Israel. Through this review, the publication seeks to enhance knowledge of grade-appropriate social studies concepts, skills, and knowledge. The publication was used to identify relevant knowledge, skills and social studies concepts relating to this instructional unit.


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My Criteria For Quality Film Part 2

Pages: 6 (1702 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:29627000

… film directors started making groundbreaking controversial content while others retained a romantic theme in their movies.
One of the directors who played a critical role in ushering the second Golden Age of Hollywood is George Stevens. Stevens shot never-ending number of set-ups in his films. While he didn’t ……



A&E Television Networks. (2018, August 21). Hollywood. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Eyman, S. (2004, November 29). First Biography of Stevens, His Reputation on the Ropes. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Journeys in Classic Film. (2013, June 28). The Only Game in Town (1970). Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Pfeiffer, L. (2015, November 15). Review: “The Only Game in Town” (1970) Starring Elizabeth Taylor and Warren Beatty on Blu-Ray from Twilight Time. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

Stevens, G. (Director). (1970). The Only Game in Town [Motion Picture]. United States: 20th Century Fox Film Corp.


Study Document Study Document

How Healthcare Policy Impacts Advanced Practice Nursing

Pages: 3 (855 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:35434191

How Healthcare Policy Impacts APN
Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession
The role of APN is to provide primary, specialty, and acute care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of those who seek healthcare services. Healthcare policies … is very relevant to policy change because a person with intellectual stimulation can bring on board the relevant persons and establish solutions through critical thinking to solve prevailing problems appropriately.
Individual consideration – this pillar describes a leader who is considerate and encourages those he/she leads to ……



Choi, P. P. (2015). Patient advocacy: the role of the nurse. Nursing Standard (2014+), 29(41), 52.

Flemming, P. L. (2017). Building a Climate of Change with a link through Transformational Leadership and Corporate Culture: A Management key to a Global Environment. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 7(1), 44-55.

Gerber, L. (2018). Understanding the nurse\\\\\\\\\\\\'s role as a patient advocate. Nursing2019, 48(4), 55-58.

Lathrop, B., & Hodnicki, D. R. (2014). The Affordable Care Act: Primary care and the doctor of nursing practice nurse. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(2).

Metz, S., Piro, J. S., Nitowski, H., & Cosentino, P. (2019). Transformational Leadership: Perceptions of Building-Level Leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 29(5), 389-408.

Taft, S. H., & Nanna, K. M. (2008). What are the sources of health policy that influence nursing practice?. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 9(4), 274-287.


Study Document Study Document

Customer Persona For Filshie Clip System

Pages: 12 (3656 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:94593472

… contraceptive device that is used to tie their fallopian tubes. However, an understanding of the target market persona and the marketing mix is critical toward enhancing the ability of the firm to reach the target market and obtain overall profitability. In this report, we will describe customer … part of direct marketing tactics and forward vertical integration. Additionally, ensuring availability of Filshie Clips in surgeon’s facilities and women’s hospitals would be critical toward achievement of strategic marketing decisions. Through this, the company would be incorporating physical facilities in the marketing mix, which enhances marketing and … manufacturing and distributing Filshie Clip System following the acquisition of Femcare. Since the product is favored among industry professionals, it has played a critical role in enhancing the firm’s profitability. The target market for this product is professional women who are looking for stylish and effective birth-control methods. ……



Antoun, L., Smith, P., Gupta, J. K., & Clark, T. J 2017. The feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of hysteroscopic sterilization compared with laparoscopic sterilization. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 217, no. 5, pp.e571-570. e576. 

Beerthuizen, R 2010. State-of-the-art of non-hormonal methods of contraception: V. Female sterilisation. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.124-135.

De Toni, D., Milan, G.S., Saciloto, E.B., & Larentis, F 2017. Pricing strategies and levels and their impact on corporate profitability. Revista de Administracao, vol. 52, no. 2, pp.120-133.

Duran, A 2018. Sink or swim: how to create buyer personas to ensure marketing success. Forbes. Viewed 20 August 2019,

Griffin, A, Noble, CH, Durmusoglu, SS, Luchs, MI, & Swan, S 2015. ‘Chapter 3 Personas: powerful tools for designers’, in Design Thinking : New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, Hoboken.

Johnson, S., Pion, C. & Jennings, V 2013. Current methods and attitudes of women towards contraception in Europe and America. Reproductive Health, vol. 10, no. 7, pp.1-9.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2015). Marketing Management, Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited: Boston, MA.

Magrath, A.J 1986. When Marketing Services, 4Ps are not enough. Business Horizons, pp.4450.

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