Critical Role Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Ethical Issue In Public Administration

Pages: 6 (1796 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:87375741

… Kellogg, Deputy Director of Transportation, the City Council, Department of Transportation staff, and the public. These key actions in the scenario have different role that can further be described through the following table.
(#2) Actor Relationship
(#3) role
(#4) Values
Commissioner Richard Mitchell
Commissioner of the City, Manager of a shelter for pregnant substance abusers
Providing foster children with a loving …
Transparency, accountability, honesty, fairness, and devotion to duty
The Public
The City
Expects better public service that meets their needs
Transparency and accountability
role among the Key Actors
Commissioner Richard Mitchell and his wife manages the shelter for pregnant substance abusers in town as they provide many … in the grand theft and ensure they are charged for their actions based on the law. Third, this action would also play a critical role in ensuring the City Council does not wrongly incriminate any of the key……



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Study Document Study Document

Families Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Pages: 7 (2023 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:27788997

… help meet the special needs of these children while promoting and enhancing their academic growth and achievements. In addition, family members play a critical role in the development and growth of these children with respect to meeting their special needs. Mereiou, Bland & Niemeyer (2015) state that the … These programs also seek to promote the growth and development of these children in academics, behaviorally and socially. Early childhood programs are considered critical toward enhancing the outcomes of these children. However, services for these children are limited, which has resulted in calls for their inclusion in ……



Coogle, C.G., Guerette, A.R. & Hanline, M.F 2013. Early Intervention Experiences of Families with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Early Childhood Research & Practice, vol. 15, no. 1. Viewed 7 August 2019,

Forest, E.J., Horner, R.H., Lewis-Palmer, T. & Todd, A.W 2004. Transitions for Young Children with Autism from Preschool to Kindergarten. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.103-112.

Jansen, H 2010. The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.1-21.

Ponto, J 2015. Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.168-171.

Reeves, S., Kuper, A. & Hodges, B.D 2008. Qualitative Research Methodologies: Ethnography. BMJ, vol. 337. Doi: 

Reeves, S., Peller, J., Goldman, J. & Kitto, S 2013. Ethnography in Qualitative Educational Research: AMEE Guide No. 80. Medical Teacher, vol. 35, no. 8, pp.e1365-e1379.

Stahmer, A.C., Akshoomoff, N. & Cunningham, A.B 2011. Inclusion for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 625-641. 

Stahmer, A.C., Collings, N.M. & Palinkas, L.A 2005. Early Intervention Practices for Children with Autism: Descriptions from Community Providers. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.66-79.


Study Document Study Document

Employee Treatment In The Workplace

Pages: 6 (1926 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:40062919

… enacted to prevent discrimination on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, color, gender or disability. These laws alongside state laws have played a critical role in safeguarding employees from discriminatory patterns or practices in the workplace.
For this large company, protection against discrimination is a critical step toward promoting and ensuring fair treatment of all employees. This would require establishing workplace policies that enhance fairness and equal treatment of ……



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Grabell, M. & Berkes, H. (2018, February 7). Florida Bill Seeks to Stop Arrests of Injured Immigrant Workers. National Public Radio. Retrieved March 12, 2020, from s

Jennings, M. (2018). Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment (11th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Lenard, P.M. (1987). Unjust Dismissal of Employees at Will: Are Disclaimers a Final Solution? Fordham Urban Law Journal, 15(2), 533-565.

Lindsay, D.C. & Moore, L.M. (2011). State and Federal Leave Laws: How Recent Legislative Changes Have Complicated Leave Administration. Employment Relations Today, 38(1), 77-90.

Macgillivray, E.D., Beecher, H.J.M. & Golden, D. (2010, December). Legal Developments – Recent Action, Federally and in the Workplace. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 73-81.

Mello, J.A. (2019, August 9). Why the Equal Pay Act and Laws Which Prohibit Salary Inquiries of Job Applicants Can Not Adequately Address Gender-Based Pay Inequity. SAGE Open, 9(3), 

Muhl, C.J. (2001, January). The Employment-at-will Doctrine: Three Major Exceptions. Monthly Labor Review, 3-11. Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics website:


Study Document Study Document

Improving Medication Safety And Nursing Care

Pages: 4 (1193 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:71997701

Patient safety is one of the key aspects of healthcare delivery and a critical component in determining the quality of healthcare services. Patient safety is influenced by many factors including medication safety, which is identified as one … As a result, nurses face the need to enhance patient safety while providing care to diverse patient populations. Nursing staff play a vital role in improving patient safety since they are involved in direct care and support to patients and their families (Monteiro, Avelar & Pedreira, 2015). … the modern healthcare field. Patient safety is compromised by various factors that occur within and outside the healthcare environment. While nurses play a critical role in promoting patient safety, their work is characterized by numerous interruptions. Nurses encounter various interruptions when carrying out nursing work, which in turn ……



Getnet, M.A. & Bifftu, B.B. (2017, November 20). Work Interruption Experienced by Nurses during Medication Administration Process and Associated Factors, Northwest Ethiopia. Nursing Research and Practice. Retrieved from PMC5735655/

Monteiro, C., Avelar, A.F.M. & Pedreira, M.G. (2015, Jan-Feb). Interruptions of Nurses’ Activities and Patient Safety: An Integrative Literature Review. Revista Latino Americana de Enfermagem, 23(1), 169-179.

Taylor, M.J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., Darzi, A., Bell, D. & Reed, J.E. (2013). Systematic Review of the Application of the Plan-Do-Study-Act Method to Improve Quality in Healthcare. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23(4), 290-298.

Westbrook, J.I., Li, L., Hooper, T.D., Raban, M.Z., Middleton, S. & Lehnbom, E.C. (2016). Effectiveness of a “Do not Interrupt” Bundled Intervention to Reduce Interruptions During Medication: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. BMJ Quarterly & Safety, 26(9), 734-742.


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Provider Shortage

Pages: 9 (2590 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:93189886

… implementation of this proposed plan include technological equipment, financial resources for lawmaking and other processes, and educational and training resources.
Project Evaluation
A critical aspect toward determining the effectiveness of this proposed plan is examining the achievement of measurable outcomes. The evaluation process will be carried out … affected rural settings with this issue due to various factors including poor pay and difficulties in recruiting and retaining skilled workers. Given its role in enhancing public health outcomes in Maryland, MedChi could play a critical role in addressing the problem through partnerships with Allegany County’s public health department. In light of the issues facing the county’s health sector,……



Antonelli, A.F. (2019, May 14). Does America Have a Physician Shortage – or Are Our Doctors ‘Just Bad at Managing Time’? Retrieved August 5, 2019, 

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Wolford, H.B. (2018, May 28). Allegany County Sees Shortage of Health Care Workers. Time News. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from


Study Document Study Document

Depression Among Older Immigrant African Women In Metro West Massachusetts

Pages: 12 (3684 words) Sources: 20 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:21927346

… depression and anxiety, as well as higher rates of treatment seeking, than White women. Gender, age, marital status, and origin played a major role in the endorsement of anxiety and depression for the immigrants. Finally, although the two groups differed in the extent to which they experienced … addressing the mental health needs, especially depression, among older immigrant African women in Metro West Massachusetts. In turn, insights gained should play a critical role in the development of comprehensive mental health programs aimed at improving the immigrants’ health outcomes.
As noted, migration can be challenging, and many … the social work perspective, what are the health service access disparities faced by older immigrant African women in Metro West Massachusetts?
3. What role do social workers play in bridging mental health service access disparities facing older immigrant African women in Metro West Massachusetts?
4. What service … faced by older immigrant……



Agbemenu, K. (2016). Acculturation and Health Behaviors of African Immigrants Living in the United States: An Integrative Review. ABNF Journal, 27(3).

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Baldwin-Clark, T., Ofahengaue Vakalahi, H. F., & Anderson, B. (2016). What about African American older women and depressive symptoms? Educational Gerontology, 42(5), 310-320.

Cassel, J. (1995). The contribution of the social environment to host resistance: the fourth wade Hampton frost lecture. American journal of epidemiology, 141(9), 798-814.

Cobb, S. (1976). Social support as a moderator of life stress. Psychosomatic medicine.

Delara, M. (2016). Social determinants of immigrant women’s mental health. Advances in Public Health, 2016.

Dow, H. D. (2011). An overview of stressors faced by immigrants and refugees: A guide for mental health practitioners. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 23(3), 210-217.

Emadpoor, L., Lavasani, M. G., & Shahcheraghi, S. M. (2016). Relationship between perceived social support and psychological well-being among students based on mediating role of academic motivation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(3), 284-290.


Study Document Study Document

Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Pages: 5 (1453 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:69592273

… this infection and mitigate its impacts worldwide. This paper analyzes this communicable disease, determinants of health relating to its development, epidemiological triad, and role of the nurse practitioner in the management of the infectious disease.
Analysis of the Communicable Disease
The World Health Organization (2019) defines hepatitis ……



American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2019, January 28). Nurse Practitioner Role Grows to More Than 270,000. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Greene, K.M., Duffus, W.A., Xing, J., & King, H. (2017). Social Determinants of Health Associated with HBV Testing and Access to Care among Foreign-born Persons Residing in the United States: 2009-2012. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 10(2), 1-20.

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Kim, H. & Kim, W.R. (2018, August 22). Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States. Clinical Liver Disease, 12(1), 1-4.

Kim, W.R. (2012, March 1). Epidemiology of Hepatitis B in the United States. Hepatology, 49(5), S28-S34.

MacLachlan, J.H. & Cowie, B.C. (2015, May). Hepatitis B Virus Epidemiology. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 5(5). doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021410

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Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Liu, Z., Zou, G., Li, J. & Lu, M. (2019, August 13). Host Genetic Determinants of Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Frontiers in Genetics, 10(696),1-24.


Study Document Study Document

Optimizing Health Information Systems

Pages: 12 (3717 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:99273225

… patient outcomes are followed by a discuss about how a system will benefit the merged organization. Finally, a description of four essential stakeholder role needed to form an interdisciplinary team to work on a system implementation is followed by a discussion concerning the plan for evaluating the … systems is the use of middleware. For example, Shahmoradi and Habibi-Koolaee (2016) report that:
Standards on terminology, security and data exchange play a critical role to integrate health information systems and provide interoperability across heterogeneous systems. Middleware is a tool to facilitate the integration of health information systems, … affect patient care in a number of positive ways. For instance, according to Shahmoradi and Habibi-Koolaee (2016), “[Health…[break]…Description of interdisciplinary team members’ title, role, expertise and how they will contribute to the success of the project
Project leader
Oversee and coordinate efforts by other team members
? Human……



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Study Document Study Document

Gender And Veterans Differences In Access To Mental Health Care Services

Pages: 10 (2880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:literature review Document #:16426783

… army in large number, although they might not be deployed directly to the war field they work in the same area in assisting role and are close to the conflict area.
The negative impacts on their mental health are quite noticeable and are important to be dealt … usage of outpatient services by women due to the increased admittance of women in the army lately. Also, factors that play a vital role in receiving of V.A. mental health care along with gender include hierarchy, demographics, and the reluctance of women themselves, and minor or no …
The current status of the problem being researched is that military men and women do have mental health problems. Still, it is the critical role of the government and the psychologists who should look into this matter with more concern. The quality of services delivered is not up ……



Adams, R.E., Urosevich, T.G., Hoffman, S.N., Kirchner, H.L., Figley, C.R., Withey, C.A., Boscarino, J.J., Dugan, R.J. & Boscarino, J.A. (2019). Social and psychological risk and protective factors for veteran well-being: The role of veteran identity and its implications for intervention. Military Behavioral Health, 7(3), 304-314. 

Allore, H.G., Ning, Y., Brandt, C.A., & Goulet, J.L. (2013). Accounting for the hierarchical structure in veterans’ health administration data: Differences in healthcare utilization between men and women veterans. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2(2), 94-103. DOI: 10.6000/1929-6029.2013.02.02.03

Brooks, C. & Chopik, W. (2010, June 17). Research finds deployment affects mental health of veterans differently. Michigan State University. 

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Study Document Study Document

Organizational Situations And Interventions

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:43843471

… policies and plans to integrate new members into the workforce. However, these policies and practices are seemingly ineffective because new employees report of role uncertainties as they are not adequately informed of their specific duties. Consequently, the participation or engagement of new employees in the organization’s workplace … formal and informal socialization practices. In this regard, training programmes and orientation processes to help new employees learn about their specific duties and role in the workplace were established. These processes focused on promoting acquisition of the required knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Informal socialization opportunities like team-building … team-building exercises and daily fun routines were also adopted.
Pros and Cons of the Intervention
The advantages of the intervention include reduction of role uncertainty among new employees, improved understanding of specific duties, enhanced interactions with other employees, and more employee engagement. However, the intervention was also … is increasingly difficult. Work-family conflict……



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