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… deterioration and a wide range of psychosocial problems. Some of the major psychosocial problems faced by this population include anxiety disorders, loneliness, and depression. Depression is generally one of the major psychiatric issues facing elderly people and has severe impacts on their health status and wellbeing (Zhang et … people and has severe impacts on their health status and wellbeing (Zhang et al., 2019). Empty nesters in China are increasingly vulnerable to depression because of their poor health status. The increased vulnerability of these people to depression is attributable to the feeling emerging from their living conditions and arrangements…[break]…linked to the risk of depression in this population include lack of social support and poor health promoting lifestyles. Empty nesters lack adequate support from family and friends though ……
Gong, F., Zhao, D., Zhao, Y., Lu, S., Qian, Z. & Sun, Y. (2018). The Factors Associated With Geriatric Depression in Rural China: Stratified by Household Structure. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(5), 593-603.
Liang, Y. & Wu, W. (2014). Exploratory Analysis of Health-related Quality of Life Among the Empty-nest Elderly in Rural China: An Empirical Study in Three Economically Developed Cities in Eastern China. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12(59). doi:10.1186/1477-7525-12-59
Lu, J., Zhang, C., Xue, Y., Mao, D., Zheng, X., Wu, S. & Wang, X. (2019). Moderating Effect of Social Support on Depression and Health Promoting Lifestyle for Chinese Empty Nesters: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 256, 495-508.
Wang, L., Liu, W., Liang, Y. & Wei, Y. (2019). Mental Health and Depressive Feeling of Empty-Nest Elderly People in China. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(6), 1171-1185.
Xie, L., Zhang, J., Peng, F. & Jiao, N. (2010). Prevalence and Related Influencing Factors of Depressive Symptoms for Empty-nest Elderly Living in the Rural Area of YongZhou, China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 50, 24-29.
Zhai, Y., Yi, H., Shen, W., Xiao, Y., Fan, H., He, F., Li, F., Wang, X., Shang, X. & Lin, J. (2015). Association of Empty Nest with Depressive Symptom in a Chinese Elderly Population: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 187, 218-223.
Zhang, C., Xue, Y., Zhao, H., Zheng, X., Zhu, R., Du, Y., Zheng, J. & Yang, T. (2019). Prevalence and Related Influencing Factors of Depressive Symptoms Among Empty-nest Elderly in Shanxi, China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, 750-756.
Zhou, J., Xiao, L., Zhou, Y., Rui, G. & Ni, X. (2019). The Depression Status of Empty Nesters in Eastern Rural China. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 47(2), 1-9.
Study Document
Prevalence of Depression in Massachusetts
Prospectus: Depression Among Older Immigrant African Women in Metro West Massachusetts
In West Massachusetts United States, the most common health disorders are anxiety and … Among Older Immigrant African Women in Metro West Massachusetts
In West Massachusetts United States, the most common health disorders are anxiety and depression. These health disorders are prevalent in elderly immigrant women aged between 50 and 79 years (Agbemenu, 2016). Despite a variety of efficacious interventions … health disorders are prevalent in elderly immigrant women aged between 50 and 79 years (Agbemenu, 2016). Despite a variety of efficacious interventions for depression and anxiety, elderly immigrant women experience mental health care disparities in their access to mental health services and the quality of treatment they … health services and the quality of treatment they receive (Sánchez et al., 2014). Researchers have determined that African American heterogeneity influences access to……
Agbemenu, K. (2016). Acculturation and Health Behaviors of African Immigrants Living in the United States: An Integrative Review. ABNF Journal, 27(3).
Alegría, M., Álvarez, K., & DiMarzio, K. (2017). Immigration and mental health. Current epidemiology reports, 4(2), 145-155.
Baldwin-Clark, T., Ofahengaue Vakalahi, H. F., & Anderson, B. (2016). What about African American older women and depressive symptoms? Educational Gerontology, 42(5), 310-320.
Cassel, J. (1995). The contribution of the social environment to host resistance: the fourth wade Hampton frost lecture. American journal of epidemiology, 141(9), 798-814.
Cobb, S. (1976). Social support as a moderator of life stress. Psychosomatic medicine.
Delara, M. (2016). Social determinants of immigrant women’s mental health. Advances in Public Health, 2016.
Dow, H. D. (2011). An overview of stressors faced by immigrants and refugees: A guide for mental health practitioners. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 23(3), 210-217.
Emadpoor, L., Lavasani, M. G., & Shahcheraghi, S. M. (2016). Relationship between perceived social support and psychological well-being among students based on mediating role of academic motivation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(3), 284-290.
Study Document
The Social Issue
Depression is a significant social issue of interest to me as I have seen it affect numerous people in my own life and have … to me as I have seen it affect numerous people in my own life and have even struggled with it at times myself. Depression has caused people to take their lives: Chester Bennington, lead singer of the group Linkin Park took his life following the suicide of … his friend, and numerous other people who are less famous end up in similar situations—lost, without hope, unable to break a cycle of depression that has them gripped as though in a vice. Depression is an issue that can be treated, however, but in order for the right intervention to be applied, awareness about depression has to be raised so that the stigma and taboo of depression can be alleviated, allowing those who suffer……
Anderson, M. & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. Retrieved from
Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.
Chester, J., & Montgomery, K. (2008). No escape: Marketing to kids in the digital age. Multinational Monitor, 29(1), 11.
Greenberg, P. (2015). The Growing Economic Burden of Depression in the U.S. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… overprescribed medications that only exacerbate their issues and further the decline of their mental health (Snow & Wynn, 2018). If not treated, service-related depression can lead to suicide—and as Kang et al. (2015) show, suicide risk among veterans returning from the Middle East has been increasing exponentially … from the Middle East has been increasing exponentially in recent years. One way that leaders have been trained to deal with military service-related depression is through the use of positive psychology and resiliency training (Reivich, Seligman & McBride, 2011). This paper will discuss a more positive way … resiliency training (Reivich, Seligman & McBride, 2011). This paper will discuss a more positive way to treat mental health issues such as service-related depression among military servicemen and will include a discussion of positive psychology theories as well as spiritual factors from a biblical worldview.
Service-related depression is common among servicemen in……
Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.
Bonelli, R., Dew, R. E., Koenig, H. G., Rosmarin, D. H., & Vasegh, S. (2012). Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research. Depression research and treatment, 2012.
Casey Jr, G. W. (2011). Comprehensive soldier fitness: A vision for psychological resilience in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 1.
Dolphin, K. E., Steinhardt, M. A., & Cance, J. D. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.
Griffith, J., & West, C. (2013). Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well-being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.
Kang, H. K., Bullman, T. A., Smolenski, D. J., Skopp, N. A., Gahm, G. A., & Reger, M. A. (2015). Suicide risk among 1.3 million veterans who were on active duty during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Annals of epidemiology, 25(2), 96-100.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Study Document
… quantity and quality of social relationships that we have, and those that we want” (Office for National Satistics). As Horne notes, loneliness and depression play off one another. Loneliness is not necessarily isolation from people as it is the feeling of being alone (Horne). Van Winkel et … it is the feeling of being alone (Horne). Van Winkel et al. show that loneliness often is both a predictor and symptom of depression. Depression in other words is typically an underlying current in loneliness.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the rate of … in other words is typically an underlying current in loneliness.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the rate of depression among young adults (National Institute of Mental Health). Twenge, Cooper, Joiner, Duffy and Binau show that over the past decade, the number of … online “all the time”……
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Andreassen, Cecilie Schou, Ståle Pallesen, and Mark D. Griffiths. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Addictive behaviors 64 (2017): 287-293.
Bandura, A. “Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.” Perspectives on Psychological Science 13.2 (2018): 130-136.
Chester, Jeff, and Kathryn Montgomery. \\\\\\\\\\\\"No escape: Marketing to kids in the digital age.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Multinational Monitor 29.1 (2008): 11.
Greenberg, P. The Growing Economic Burden of Depression in the U.S. 2015. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
According to Son and Kirchner (2000), depression frequently goes unrecognized in children and adolescents. However, Bhatia (2019) is categorical that depression in childhood and teen years appears to have been in an upward trend in recent times. According to the American Academy of Child … it is not uncommon for children to have worries and fears. If these fears and worries are not addressed, they could result in depression. If depression in children and adolescents goes unaddressed, the impact could be severe. Indeed, according to Clark, Jansen, and Cloy (2012), depression could in this case have a negative impact on not only the emotional, but also the social and physical development of children and … emotional, but also the social and physical development of children and adolescents suffering from the same. Rey and Birmaher (2012) point out that depression in this age group could impact the ability to form and……
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2018). Depression in Children and Teens. Retrieved from
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Mehler-Wex, C. & Kolch, M. (2008). Depression in Children and Adolescents. Dtsch Arztebl Int., 105(9), 149-155.
Study Document
… exhausted, vulnerable, and utterly anxious. She cannot adequately care for her children in such a frame of mind. She may be prone to depression, and one…[break]…families, and providers, and informative/ educational sessions may be made a part of this formalized structure (Xie, 2013).
Susanna will be aided ……
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Study Document
In the article Screening for Depression Among Minority Young Males Attending a Family Planning Clinic, Ruth S. Buzi, Peggy B. Smith, and Maxine L. Weinman sought to determine depression among males who attended a family planning clinic and if there were variations in depression based on service requests and sociodemographic. This paper, therefore, is an evaluation of this article with the objective of determining the variables used, … conditions as, according to statistics, one in every five Americans aged 18 years and older have experienced at least one major episode of depression. This is even more pronounced among young people as the rate of mental illness is twice as much among persons aged 18-25 years … al., 2014, p.116). In addition, young males experience persistent depressive symptoms starting from adolescence into adulthood as compared to females. The cause of depression is considered to be an economic strain, racial discrimination,……
Buzi, R. S., Smith, P. B., & Weinman, M. L. (2014). Screening for depression among minority young males attending a family planning clinic. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15(1), 116.
Gissane, C. (2013). What kind of data do I have? Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 34(2), 123-125.
McHugh, M. L. (2013). The chi-square test of independence. Biochemia medica: Biochemia medica, 23(2), 143-149.
Study Document
Reaction to My Depression
My Depression (n.d.) shows how serious depression can be for a person and it does so in a manner that really helps to eliminate much of the strangeness and taboo … and it does so in a manner that really helps to eliminate much of the strangeness and taboo nature of the issue of depression. It explains how people experience depression in a way that allows the viewer to sympathize with and understand the subject. This is important because depression is often something that goes unappreciated. People think that if a person is depressed it is just because the individual wants to be … has to do is snap himself out of it and be happy again. The video shows that this is clearly not the case. Depression is much more serious than that. It can take hold of a person just like a virus can:……
My Depression. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Study Document
… the individual’s ability to engage in normal social behavior.
Q2. What percentage of individuals diagnosed with an anxiety disorder have another disorder or depression?
An estimated 60% of people with a diagnosed anxiety disorder also suffer from depression (Cameron, 2007).
Q3. What is the average age of onset for anxiety disorders?
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (2020), 31 is the average age of onset of anxiety disorders.
Q4. Fear and anxiety disorders are more often reported … which can contribute to the stress and anxiety they feel as part of daily living. Women may also be more inclined to report depression than men because men may feel more pressured to hide their feelings, in deference to the stereotype of the strong, powerful male. Still, ……
Cameron, O.G. (2007). Understanding comorbid depression and anxiety, 24 (14). Retrieved from: anxiety
Facts and Statistics. (2020). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from:
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