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...India The Past Present and Future of Warfare Impact of Technology and Strategy
Military tactics and strategies are essential in warfare. Without the right tactics and strategy, it is impossible to win wars. By definition, military strategy is the planning, coordination, and implementation of military operations to meet some set objectives. Tactics can be defined as short-term military strategies in the field of operations in terms of the equipment to use, how to use them, and troop movement. According to renowned Carl von Clausewitz, who was a distinguished military strategist and theorist, the strategy is how to utilize battles to win wars and tactics is how to utilize troops and weaponry in battles (Phifer, 2012). However, both tactics and strategies have been theorized, defined, or utilized in different ways at different times in history. In this work, it is my argument that the United States military needs to adopt tactics……
Grieco, K. A. (2018). The 2018 national defense strategy: continuity and competition. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 12(2), 3-8.
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Study Document
… meditation strategies (like, transcendental and mindfulness meditation). Remarkably, meditation experience covaried only partly with long-run effects on studied variables. Western as well as Indian theories underscore impacts on attentional procedures: Every meditative method entails attentional process detachment from our routine scanning, cognition, analysis, and reaction (Kristeller & ……
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Shapiro, S., Walsh, R., Britton, W., & Britton, B. (2003). An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions. The Humanistic Psychology, 3(2-3), 69-90.
Study Document
… about examining issues from a global perspective. Combating oppression is at the heart of transnational feminism, and the best case is presented in India. Here the women have joined hands and empower each other through various activities (Griffith, May 02, 2017). Their goal is to better the ……
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Study Document
… the founder and CEO of his own company and has 15 full-time employees. The reason I selected him is that he is an Indian from the state of Tamil Nadu. He came to America on his own in his late 20s and faced many obstacles, both personal ……
Conger, Jay A. (1989). Leadership: The art of empowering others. Academy of Management Executive, 3 (1), 17- 25.
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Study Document
The year 2019 marked the 150th birthday of the “Father of the Indian Nation,” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869- 1948), who is remembered as one among the key figures of India’s twentieth-century independence struggle. Several commemorative events were observed in the country as well as abroad in celebration of his legacy of a peaceful … events were observed in the country as well as abroad in celebration of his legacy of a peaceful struggle against British colonialism and India’s ultimate freedom from colonial rule. One simply cannot underestimate the motivation provided by Gandhian nonviolence tactics to all kinds of freedom struggles to later … in terms of its magnitude, aim, and totality. Outside of the warring areas, peaceful action furthered to tackle oppression. Gandhi commenced his “Quit India” movement in India, a peaceful drive to which its colonial occupiers responded by put him and other Indian National……
Ahmed, T. (2019). Mohandas Gandhi: Experiments in civil disobedience. USA: Pluto Press. Retrieved from
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Study Document
...India Introduction
Every traditional culture has its norms, which ultimately affect what is considered right or wrong. A clear distinction of this is best illustrated in the Middle East as compared to Western culture, where in the Middle East certain behaviors, e.g., kissing in public, in public is illegal as compared to in the west. This is basically as a result of the differences in the traditional cultures of these two regions, bearing in mind that religion is a core part of any culture. To this effect, it would be argued that culture affects law and identity, and to ensure that there is fairness and justice in any given society, then the cultural context of the people cannot be ignored. In her book, The Cultural Defense, Alison Dundes Renteln argues that \"Culture shapes individual identity in crucial ways. The failure of the law to recognize this has resulted in injustices\" (Renteln……
Renteln, A. D. (2004). The cultural defense. Oxford University Press.
Study Document
… and the Sambia of Papua New Guiney” (176). The authors also point out that sexual freedom happens to be largely normative in Northern India amongst the Lepcha of Sikkim. Here, it is not unusual to see girls engaging in sexual activities way before puberty. I am of ……
Study Document
… it as a physical disease, while the Chinese and the ancient Greeks viewed it as spiritual problem (Vazquez & Santone, 2011). In ancient India, Hindus believed it to be a combination of both spiritual and physical disorders, and throughout the Middle Ages the different approaches to treating ……
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& Chen, E. Y. H. (2016). Understandings of spirituality and its role in illness recovery in persons with schizophrenia and mental-health professionals: a qualitative study. BMC psychiatry, 16(1), 86.
Kinter, E. T. (2009). Identifying treatment preferences of patients with schizophrenia in Germany: An application of patient-centered care. The Johns Hopkins University.
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Study Document
… Region
Indo-Asia-Pacific region is one of the regions targeted by the United States National Security Strategy. It extends from the west coast of India to the United States’ western shores and represent one of the most economically vibrant and populated regions in the world.[footnoteRef:2] America’s interest in ……
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Tammen, R.L., Kugler, J. & Lemke, D. “Power Transition Theory.” International Relations, June 27, 2017, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199743292-0038
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Withers, P. “Integrating Cyber with Air Power in the Second Century of the Royal Air Force.” Medium, March 4, 2019,
Study Document
… current state of the coffee market, as the beverage grows more ubiquitous worldwide, even in traditional tea-drinking nations such as China, Japan, and India, and more and more consumers in America are willing to pay premium prices for the product. According to a 2016 article in Forbes ……
Works Cited
Lorenzetti, Laura. “Americans’ Coffee Guzzling Is Pushing Bean Prices Higher.” July 1, 2016. Web. August 5, 2019.
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