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… Causes/Contributing Factors to Homelessness
· Social conditions and maladaptive behaviors contribute to the problem of homelessness (Mabhala, Yohannes & Griffith, 2017).
· Income inequality, poor housing policies, and neighborhood gentrification exacerbate the problem of homelessness (Dreyer, 2018).
· Racial stereotyping creates significant psychological distress that in turn ……
Dreyer, B.P. (2018), A Shelter is not a Home: The Crisis of Family Homelessness in the United States, Pediatrics, 142(5) 1-3, httpps://doi.org10.1542/peds.2018-2695 Ly, A. & Latimer, E., (2015), Housing First Impact on Cost and Associated Cost Offsets A review of literature, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 60(11) 475-487, doi: 10.1177/070674371506001103
Mabhala, M.A., Yohannes, A. & , Griffith, M. (2017), Social Conditions of Becoming Homelessness, Qualitative Analysis of Life Stories of Homelessness People, International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(150), Doi:10.1186/s12939-017-0646-3
Morton et al, (2017), Prevalence and Correlates of Youth Homelessness in the United States, Journal of Adolescent Health, 62, 14-21 Doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.10.006
Oppenheimer, S.C., Nurius, P.S. & Green, S. (2018) Homeless History Impact on Health Outcome and Economics and Risk Behaviors Intermediaries: New Insight from Population Data, Families in Society, 97(3), 230-242, Doi:10.1606/1044-3894.2016.97.21
Tsai, J., O’Toole, T. & Kearney, L. K. (2017), Homelessness as a Public Mental Health and Social Problem, New Knowledge and Solution, Psychological Services, 14(2), 113-117,
Tsai, J. (2018), Lifetime and 1-year Prevalence of Homelessness in the U.S. Population: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-111, Journal of Public Health 40(1), 65-78,
Yousey, A. & Samundra, R. (2018) Defining Homelessness in the Rural United States, Online Journal of Rural Research & Policy, 13(4),
Weisz, C. & Quinn, D.M. (2017), Stigmatized and identities Psychological Distress and Physical Health, Intersection of homelessness and Race, Stigma and Health 1-6,
Study Document
… abuse and trans-specific discrimination and bias. These research findings are in line with the Minority Stress Model, which asserts that protracted exposure to inequality, prejudice, and discrimination faced by members of minority and marginalized groups is linked with negative psychological results and health risk behaviors and conducts ……
Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., & Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population. American journal of public health, 103(5), 943-951.
Bockting, W., Coleman, E., Deutsch, M. B., Guillamon, A., Meyer, I., Meyer III, W., ... & Ettner, R. (2016). Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 23(2), 188.
Catelan, R. F., Costa, A. B., & Lisboa, C. S. D. M. (2017). Psychological interventions for transgender persons: a scoping review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29(4), 325-337.
Divan, V., Cortez, C., Smelyanskaya, M., & Keatley, J. (2016). Transgender social inclusion and equality: a pivotal path to development. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19, 20803.
Drydakis, N. (2020). Trans People, Transitioning, Mental Health, Life, and Job Satisfaction. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-22.
Glynn, T. R., & van den Berg, J. J. (2017). A systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic substance use among transgender individuals: A call to action. Transgender Health, 2(1), 45-59.
Grossman, A. H., Haney, A. P., Edwards, P., Alessi, E. J., Ardon, M., & Howell, T. J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth talk about experiencing and coping with school violence: A qualitative study. Journal of LGBT Youth, 6(1), 24-46.
Jellestad, L., Jäggi, T., Corbisiero, S., Schaefer, D. J., Jenewein, J., Schneeberger, A., ... & Garcia Nuñez, D. (2018). Quality of life in transitioned trans persons: a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study. BioMed research international, 2018.
Study Document
...Inequality Problems That Arise When Groups are Categorized as Individuals
The difficulty of determining the extent to which group policy evaluation vs. individual evaluations differ is that context is the deciding factor, and contextual factors are always shifting. Therefore, a case by case analysis is required rather than a one size fits all universal evaluation. As Briggs and Helms (2015) explain, there are actors and roles and the inputs and outputs of each impact one another so that the relationship between parts, between groups and individuals is really a dynamic one.
One of the important points that Reich (2010) makes is that groups are not individuals and should not be counted as such, because it alters the character of the population when they are. He cites the decision in Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission, which led to the creation of the super political action committee (PAC). The super PAC……
Briggs, S., & Helms, L. B. (2015). The practice of American public policymaking. New York: Routlege Taylor & Francis Group.
Reich, R. (Harvard Book Store, Producer). (2010). Robert B. Reich: The next economy and Americla's future. Frontline: Inside the Meltdown Series. [Video] Retrieved from [ ]
Schaufele, B., McMillian, M. L., Boxall, P. C., Adamowicz, W. L., & Rivera, C. S. (2010). Measuring social preferences in groups versus as individuals: Income inequality aversion using the leaky bucket method. Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, 29(1), 1-1
Study Document
...Inequality “Where Do We Go From Here?”
Democracy was meant to be government by the rule of the people. Athens is most famous for being the ancient city-state to represent democratic government and in a way the city-state was best situated for democracy: the people were educated and keen on performing their civic duty—at least for a generation or two. By the time the playwright Aristophanes came along, some Athenians were shirking their civic duty to the extent that the satirist penned his most attack on Athenian complacency. The point is that democracy is only as effective as the people within the community are at performing their civic duty. When the very concept of civic-mindedness is lost or when the community becomes so large that it is impossible for people to govern directly, the concept of democracy can become a screen hiding a much more nefarious system of power like what……
Works Cited
Dahl, Robert. On Democracy.
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Mansbridge, Jane. On the Importance of Getting Things Done. PS, 2012.
Runciman, David. The Confidence Trap. Princeton University Press.
Study Document
… developed from this news article is that there is a leisure gap between men and women that further shows the state of gender inequality in America today. While the data from the American Time Use Survey that the article cites does show that statistically speaking men spend … Spend More Time in Leisure Activities”—so it is definitely not a stretch to guess that the author is trying to show that gender inequality is seen even in the amount of leisure time taken between the sexes. What the article does not explain is that leisure is ……
Codina, N., & Pestana, J. V. (2019). Time Matters Differently in Leisure Experience for Men and Women: Leisure Dedication and Time Perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(14), 2513.
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Study Document
… population faces (Brojeni, Ilali, Taraghi & Mousavinasab, 2019). As Yamada et al. (2015) point out, however, the issue of healthcare disparity and healthcare inequality of the elderly is one of the biggest issues because it underlines all the others: if the elderly population does not even have ……
Brojeni, S. A., Ilali, E. S., Taraghi, Z., & Mousavinasab, N. (2019). Lifestyle and its related factors in elderly. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 6(1), 32.
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Study Document
...Inequality Introduction
Race has always been a cultural factor in the U.S. and it is certainly a factor in today’s criminal justice system. James (2018:30) has shown that current “research on police officers has found that they tend to associate African Americans with threat” (30). A significantly higher percentage of the African American population is incarcerated than any other population in the U.S. And, worse, as Lopez (2018) points out, “Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population.” The evidence indicates that African Americans receive a disproportionate amount of attention from police and are disproportionately punished and incarcerated because of institutionalized racism within the American ruling class. This racist worldview was evident from the early days of the nation, when the concept of Manifest Destiny was put forward by John O’Sullivan (1845). That concept expressed……
Aguirre, A., & Baker, D. V. (Eds.). 2008. Structured inequality in the United States: Critical discussions on the continuing significance of race, ethnicity, and gender. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall.
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Study Document
...Inequality The US government has reduced its state funding for the higher educational institutes to lower the college costs, especially for ethnic groups since the increase in educational costs have made it harder for color and lower-income student to enroll in these colleges. There are numerous benefits for enrolling in the best educational institutions after the students are graduated that mainly includes higher incomes. Still, it puts pressure on those students whose households are earning low. With such stagnant earnings, it is greatly difficult for racially and economically diverse students to have affordability and access to the highly-priced educational institutes. Recently, the costs for attending a public college have surged up to $21,370 as compared to $8,250 in 1980, which means it is an approximately 30 percent rise in the public education costs (Hess “The Cost of College Increased”).
The three causes for the rise in the cost of public education……
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Study Document
… and those who didn't, in Merseyside.
Economic hardships and societal marginalization were factors that contributed to the growing rate of institutional restraint and inequality among Merseyside youth. Consequently, a large number of male youth aged between 18 and 25 years perceived themselves to be powerless, and without ……
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