Moral Values Essays (Examples)


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Sexual Behavior And Sexual Morality

Pages: 5 (1605 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:69548980

Sexual moral
Sexual moral is the exploration of sexual behavior in the light of moral consideration like what is moral right and wrong for sexual behavior, which can be applied to other areas as well (Primoratz, 2013). These are further founded through various … (Primoratz, 2013). Philosophers have long argued and named sexual activities with different analogies, until Bertrand Russell and Sigmund Freud, who considered sex as moral righteous (Halwani, 2018).
The meta-ethics is the understanding of moral principles through deeply analyzing its origin and nature for reaching moral conclusions (McCord, 2012). It leads us to moral truths and the reasoning behind the moral judgments and conclusion for different areas of exploration (McCord, 2012). It delves into the deeper meaning of what moral is, in analyzing different philosophies (McCord, 2012). It also explores the motivation of human beings and other aspects to provide conclusive analogies on … 2012). It also……



Goldman, A. H. (2019, February 12). Why Sexual Morality Doesn\\\\\\'t Exist. iai News.

Haidt, J., & Hersh, M. A. (2001). Sexual Morality: The Cultures and Emotions of Conservatives and Liberals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 191-221.

Halwani, R. (2018, October 19). Sex and Sexuality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Haqiqatjou, D. (2005, September 17). Ashley Madison and the Problem of Liberal Sexual Ethics. Public Discourse.

McCord, G. S. (2012, January 26). Metaethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Primoratz, I. (2001). Sexual Morality: Is Consent Enough? Ethical Theory and Moral Practise.

Primoratz, I. (2013, February 01). Sexual Morality. Wiley Online Library.

Soble, A. (n.d.). Philosophy of Sexuality. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


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The Moral And Ethical Implications Emerging Due To Globalization

Pages: 4 (1235 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:84484876

...Moral values Globalization and Its Ethical Implications
The dynamic force of globalization, a phenomenon of interconnectedness and integration of economies around the world, has resulted not only to increasing opportunities for trade diversification but presents inherent risk such as global financial instability, increased inequalities, terrorism. In an increasingly interdependent world, increasing world population, scientific and technology innovation advancement, global human development issues, global governance, peace and security, global environment and natural resources are emerging global issues of interest to both national and international governments and critical for maintaining global stability (Bhargava, 2007).
Forces of globalization have contributed to multilateral trade liberalization, which has an economic value such as increasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), greater economies of scale and scope and knowledge, and technology spillovers (Bhargava, 2007). It's enabled the development of competitive and comparative advantage in manufacturing by developing countries. The expansion of economic activities across the globe has put pressure on……



Ahmad, A. (2013) \\\\\\'A Global Ethics for a Globalized World,\\\\\\' Policy Perspectives, 10(1), pp. 63–77. Available at:

Bereiter, C. and Scardamalia, M. (2020) \\\\\\'What will it mean to be\\\\\\" educated\\\\\\" in 2020\\\\\\', The Gordon Commission on the Future of Assessment in Education.

Buller, P. F., Kohls, J. J. and Anderson, K. S. (1991) \\\\\\'The challenge of global ethics,\\\\\\' Journal of Business Ethics, 10(10), pp. 767–775. DOI: 10.1007/BF00705711.

Gampel, E. H. (2010) \\\\\\'A framework for reasoning about ethical issues\\\\\\', pp. 1–18. Available at: .

Gong, Q. and Zhang, L. (2010) \\\\\\'Virtue ethics and modern society—A response to the thesis of the modern predicament of virtue ethics _ SpringerLink,\\\\\\' Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 5(2), pp. 255–265.

Newton, L. (2008) \\\\\\'Hale Chair in Applied Ethics Resources - Manuals.\\\\\\' Available at: .

The Blogxer (2012) \\\\\\'Responsibilities of an educated person,\\\\\\' The Third Eye. Available at: .


Study Document Study Document

Theism And The Moral Argument

Pages: 11 (3193 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:32872904

The moral argument consists of four components—moral facts, moral knowledge, moral transformation and moral rationality. As Baggett and Walls point out, the most pertinent moral facts are concerned with moral duties and values, particularly what is known as intrinsic human value.[footnoteRef:2] The question raised, of course, is where does intrinsic human value come from if not … shell this universal sense of value. This is a particular fact that has to be dealt with in order to understand why the moral argument is necessarily a theistic argument, which is what this paper will argue. moral knowledge, transformation and rationality all support the argument as well. moral knowledge itself is a sense of the universality of moral—the the absolute validity of the platitudes of Practical Reason, as Baggett and Walls define it.[footnoteRef:3] moral transformation refers to what Evans identifies as the relation between moral duty and personal transformation: the need……



Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. God and Cosmos. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Evans, Stephen. God and Moral Obligation. Oxford University Press, 2013.


Study Document Study Document

Psychology And The Role Of Ethics

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:14642099

… for it guides psychologists and various aspects of the field they are married to.
Ethics, as a field, emerged from the inquiries about moral life by ancient Greek philosophers. The term ethics is now described as a set of principles or a system that can significantly alter … ago are no longer considered appropriate nowadays (Walsh, 2015). Research, as with every human activity, is guided by the social, community, and individual values. Research ethics is a field that revolves around research guidelines, protection of subjects' dignity, and the documentation of the research designs, other information, … standards in research prohibit the misrepresentation, falsification, or fabrication of research data and, therefore, promote truth and reduce error. Second, ethical standards promote values such as fairness, mutual respect, accountability, and trust, which enable and promote coordination and cooperation among researchers and scholars and between different institutions. … For instance, ethical standards promote……



Hardicre, J. (2014). An overview of research ethics and learning from the past. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 483-486.

Kjellström, S., Ross, S. N., & Fridlund, B. (2010). Research ethics in dissertations: ethical issues and complexity of reasoning. Journal of medical ethics, 36(7), 425-430.

Simelane-Mnisi, S. (2018). Role and importance of ethics in research.  Ensuring research integrity and the ethical management of data (pp. 1-13). IGI Global.

Smith, D. (2003). Five principles for research ethics. Monitor on Psychology, 34(1), 56.

Resnik, D. B. (2015). What is ethics in research & why is it important? Retrieved May 26, 2020, from 

Walsh, R. T. (2015). Introduction to ethics in psychology: Historical and philosophical grounding. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 69.


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Directors Remuneration And Its Impact On Share Repurchases

Pages: 7 (2133 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:29089677

… a dangerous trend of allowing considerably vast sums of money to be used in share repurchasing programs: conflicts of interest are inevitable and moral hazard can result (Chan & Hoy, 1991; Choi & Maldoom, 1992). Leaders and directors of companies are often incentivized to perform by being … the repurchase or redemption can be treated as a capital receipt rather than as an income distribution (Lee, 2018). But is there a moral consideration that should be made by companies in spite of the legality of share repurchases for the sake of director remuneration? What sort … responsibility in terms of corporate governance and transformative leadership to look out for the best interests of all stakeholders, can it be considered moral feasible for companies to engage in the repurchasing of shares for the sake of directors’ remuneration?
General Purpose
The general purpose of this … stakeholders in an Irish company……



Bendix, R. (1974). Inequality and social structure: a comparison of Marx and Weber.  American Sociological Review, 149-161.

Chan, R., & Hoy, M. (1991). East—West joint ventures and buyback contracts. Journal of International Economics, 30(3-4), 331-343.

Choi, C. J., & Maldoom, D. (1992). A simple model of buybacks. Economics Letters, 40(1), 77-82.

Durkheim, E. (1997). The Division of Labor in Society. NY: The Free Press.

Egan, M. (2018). Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks. Retrieved from 

Goldsmith, J. M. (1994). The case against GATT. Multinational Monitor, 15(10), 20-24.

Lee, P. (2018). Share Buybacks and Redemptions: Legal Update - Companies Act 2014. Retrieved from 

Mill, J. S. (1859). On Liberty. London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand.


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Foxtrot Phone Scandal

Pages: 6 (1877 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:53518196

… is one of the eight firms that constitute the Corps of Cadets. Cadets in this class at the academy are committed to the values of honor and dedication to duty. The ethical dilemma in this scandal will be analyzed and appropriate course of action developed to address … actors have different roles in this scenario that can further be described through the table below.
(#2) Actor Relationship
(#3) Roles
(#4) values
Classmates – U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Honest and incorruptible
Friends – me
Honest and incorruptible
First-year cadets
First-year cadets … friends, first-year cadets, members of the upper classes are students at the United States Coast Guard Academy. They are required to uphold the values of honor and devotion to duty as they learn in the academy. As students, their role in the academy involved learning while upholding … in the company. During this……



Cooper, T.L. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

European Ombudsman. (2012, November 15). Ensuring Ethics in Public Administration: The Role of the Ombudsman. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from 

Kapstein, M. (2015). The Battle for Business Ethics: A Struggle Theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 144, 343-361.

Ondrova, D. (2017). Challenges of Modern Public Administration and Ethical Decision-Making. RAP, 3, 255-279.

Singh, A.K. & Mishra, N.K. (2018). Ethical Theory & Business – A Study Based on Utilitarianism and Kantianism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research, 2(1), 97-113.

Stein, C. (2019, January 25). Ethical Considerations in Public Administration. PA Times. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from


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COVID 19 In South Africa Nigeria And Swaziland

Pages: 7 (2030 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:literature review Document #:53851517

...Moral values Literature Review on Coping Through The Use Of Informal Institutions during COVID 19 in South Africa, Nigeria, and Swaziland
The institutional theory deals with the outlines, regulations, standards, and procedures that are formulated in the institutions as commanding instructions for social behavior. This theory gives an understanding of how institutions are shaped, and the societal norms and frameworks are informed to all people of an organization. Communication is the sole indicator of how organizations are formulated with the help of formal rules and regulations, as that would reflect how they are conversed across all levels of the firm and in what way people are obeying them. This would ultimately build an organizational culture for coping with social and political issues. The informal institutions are socially shared instructions, typically unwritten, that are formed, transferred and imposed outside the official boundaries (Torniainen & Sasstamoinen, 2007), for example, giving tips to the food……



Coelho, A. (2019). The role of informal institutions in the enforcement of rules and how to improve corporate and public governance in Brazil: Studies based on a set of corporate governance cases involving state-owned companies (Working Paper). Retrieved from SSRN website 

Dacin, M.T., Goodstein, J. & Scott, W.R. (2002). Institutional theory and institutional change: Introduction to the special research forum. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 45- 47. DOI: 10.2307/3069284

Escandon-Barbosa, D.M., Urbano, D., Hurtado-Ayala, A., Paramo, J.S. & Dominguez, A.Z. (2019). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and entrepreneurial activity: A comparative relationship between rural and urban areas in Colombia. Journal of Urban Management, 8(3), 458-471. 

Estrin, S. & Prevezer, M. (2010). The role of informal institutions in corporate governance: Brazil, Russia, India, and China compared. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 41- 67. 

Kaufmann, W., Hooghiemstra, R. & Feeney, M.K. (2018). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and red tape: A comparative study. Public Administration, 96(2), 386-403.

Meluch, A.L. (2016, August). Understanding the organizational and institutional origins of social support in a cancer support center. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from!etd.send_file?accession=kent1466944822&disposition=inline

Torniainen, T.J. & Sasstamoinen, O.J. (2007). Formal and informal institutions and their hierarchy in the regulation of the forest lease in Russia. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 80(5), 489-501. 


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Ethics Bioethics Decisions

Pages: 5 (1545 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Case Study Document #:55208071

… history of liver disease due to alcoholism. Emily and Anita, however, both seem equally suitable candidates for the liver.
This case raises several moral questions. If every patient is deemed equally as worthy and valuable, according to ethical principles like equity and justice, then how is it … as it might seem to many members of the team, choosing Michael would allow the institution to better align with its most important values. Recommended course of action is as follows:
· Thoroughly assess all patients to determine whether one is in dire, immediate need of the ……



“Ethical Theory and Bioethics,” (n.d.).

“Principles of Ethics,” (n.d.).

Steinbock, B., London, A.J. & Arras, J.D. (n.d.). Ethical issues in modern medicine. 8th edition. McGraw Hill.


Study Document Study Document

Counterintelligence Issues Within The United States

Pages: 18 (5457 words) Sources: 29 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72238996

… deception in ethical systems. Mattox (2002), for example, observed that the practice of deception “is subject to limitations imposed by the demands of moral” (4). Mattox (2002) makes the good point that intelligence professionals must “act in good faith even with those who are their adversaries” (4). … who are their adversaries” (4). Yet, this point is not supported by all researchers, including Cohen (2016), who argues that there are no moral limits on military deception. Mattox (2002) makes the better argument for numerous reasons: first, he supports his argument with a moral framework that is justifiable based on long-term results, which Mattox (2002) calls the limitation of long-term negative effects. When deception is used cautiously … that is justifiable based on long-term results, which Mattox (2002) calls the limitation of long-term negative effects. When deception is used cautiously and moral, the adversary is more willing to accept it……



2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.

Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. "The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles." Bachelor's thesis, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia.

Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.

Cohen, Shlomo. 2016. "Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception?." Philosophia 44 (4): 1305-1318.

Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. 2013. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2 (10): 27-37.

Erskine, Toni. 2004. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.

Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. "Strategic denial and deception." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.


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Code Of Ethics For Managers In Acquisition

Pages: 11 (3162 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:25977313

… significant room for interpretation. Thus, the code of ethics has to be simple enough that it can be understood when confronted with a moral dilemma, but general enough so as to be applied to situations that fall well outside the norm. It is not, after all, an … before they are faced with the pressure of real life situations. Such preparation, the authors note, is essential to “shaping the ethics and moral behaviors of organizational actors,” creating disciplined, ethical subjects.
Does the Code of Ethics Need a Clear Ethical Framework?
Because there are multiple schools ……



Adelstein, J. & Clegg, S. (2016) Code of ethics: A stratified vehicle for compliance. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 138 (1) 53-66.

Lazeros, M. (2008) Leaders can learn from Druyun’s ethical lapses and their consequences. USAWC Research Project. Retrieved October 25, 2019 from 

McConnnell, A. & Rood, T. (1997) Ethics in government: A survey of misuse of position for personal gain and its implications for developing acquisition strategy. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 16 (1997) 1107-1116.

McConnell, T. (2018). Moral dilemmas. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved October 25, 2019 from 

Neu, D., Everett, J. & Rahaman, A. (2015) Preventing corruption within government procurement: Constructing the disciplined and ethical subject. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Vol. 28 (2015) 49-61.

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