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The most significant terrorist attack on American soil was the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda terrorists. The attacks change the perception that America cannot suffer such attacks, considering how far away it is from where terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda are … was pressure on the government to attack in a significant way to prevent such attacks from reoccurring. This is what resulted in major change in the United States government’s foreign and domestic security policies. It also led to the government getting into several wars and supporting various ……
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… understanding concerning the lived experiences of others. A critique of Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s ethnographical work and a discussion concerning its implications for social change are followed by a description concerning the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Role of the qualitative researcher
The role of the qualitative researcher is to … non-numeric human artifact to gain a better understanding of the issues of interest and interpret these in ways that can facilitate social and organizational change (Neuman, 2008). The overarching role of ethnographic researchers is that of an “insider” closely observing a group of people from a different culture. … traditions (Wacquant, 2013).
The potential impact of the type of qualitative research conducted by Wacquant can be used to support positive social change through public policy by informing lawmakers concerning the challenges that are faced……
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… how they are conversed across all levels of the firm and in what way people are obeying them. This would ultimately build an organizational culture for coping with social and political issues. The informal institutions are socially shared instructions, typically unwritten, that are formed, transferred and imposed … actually not an official rule written anywhere but is still followed as acceptable social behavior.
Studies have been conducted to see what drives change in an organization and how institutional theory comes into play. There are certain actions carried out in an organization when change happens, and that is evident on all levels and hierarchies, in which the organization itself plays a part in a catalyst (Dacin, Goodstein … and hierarchies, in which the organization itself plays a part in a catalyst (Dacin, Goodstein & Scott, 2002). The character of the organization change over time with a change in its potency,……
Coelho, A. (2019). The role of informal institutions in the enforcement of rules and how to improve corporate and public governance in Brazil: Studies based on a set of corporate governance cases involving state-owned companies (Working Paper). Retrieved from SSRN website
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… gender, (3) experience, and (4) voluntariness that can facilitate the analysis of behavioral intention levels to actually use a new technology, generally in organizational contexts (Venkatesh et al., 2016). An analysis of the accuracy of the four key factors of the UTAUT model in predicting new technology … of Things
The game-changing nature of the Internet is well documented and countless studies have examined the ways in which these technologies have change how people learn, live, work, recreate and shop (Bok, 2014). Indeed, tens of thousands of new applications are introduced to the marketplace each … interconnect billions of devices in ways that not only facilitate the aggregation of data but enhance the ability of organizations to respond to change in consumer preferences and demand. Further, new applications for IoT technologies continue to be developed on a near-daily basis, and most authorities agree ……
Ahamed, J., & Rajan, A.V. (2016). Internet of Things (IoT): Application systems and security vulnerabilities. 2016 5th International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA), 1-5.
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Study Document
… one of the organization’s biggest challenges. This paper will outline the culture at K via primary sources, supplemented with secondary source material on organizational culture theory.
Primary research consisting of several employee interviews revealed some challenges, especially the domains of underlying assumptions and values. There is a … originator of these tensions,…[break]…issue within K culture. The multiple acquisitions and generational tensions leave the company with a muddled sense of what its organizational values really are, and that appears to be resulting in some tensions, especially among employees in the acquired companies. Finding ways to reconcile … slogans to mascots would be a good starting point – would help to resolve tensions and to build a better sense of overall organizational culture. Without these artifacts, employment at K becomes more transactional for the majority of the workers, something management may wish to avoid.
The … rooted outside of the technology……
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Study Document
organizational Issues and Solutions: Keller Williams in Ft. Mitchell
Description of the Organization and the Issue to Resolve
The company selected for this study … area, as home buyers know they are getting agents who will work hard for them and help them to make a sale.
The organizational issue the company is having is that there is a high rate of turnover among agents, and that is a problem for the … of selling homes. The company needs to provide mentorship to reduce turnover.
Proposed Solutions
To implement a solution to the turnover problem, the organizational culture at KW has to provide the foundation for success: it has to follow through on the vision it proposes, which will serve ……
Chang, S. C., & Lee, M. S. (2007). A study on relationship among leadership, organizational culture, the operation of learning organization and employees' job satisfaction. The learning organization, 14(2), 155-185.
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Study Document
Question A
Stakeholder dedication, approval and participation in the overall change process proves crucial to change management initiative success. To this end, stakeholders ought to be adequately informed about change goals and intent, in addition to being accorded a chance to share individual ideas during change initiative implementation. Studies reveal that an open, consultative approach to change implementation leads to better overall outcomes (Chirenje, Giliba & Musamba, 2013).
Studies reveal that without having an effective communication strategy in place, the … better overall outcomes (Chirenje, Giliba & Musamba, 2013).
Studies reveal that without having an effective communication strategy in place, the whole process of change can end up being a disaster. Both a total lack of communication and over-communicating are detrimental, potentially derailing the entire change endeavor. Without ample organization-wide communication or reciprocal conversation, the change attempt might end up not fulfilling its aims. A communication strategy that is straightforwardly……
Callahan, K., Olshfski, D., & Schwella, E. (2005). Global public management: Cases and comments. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
Chirenje, L. I., Giliba, R. A., & Musamba, E. B. (2013). Local communities’ participation in decision-making processes through planning and budgeting in African countries. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 11(1), 10-16.
Eskerod, P., & Jepsen, A. L. (2016). Project stakeholder management. Routledge.
Fleming, Q. W., & Koppelman, J. M. (2016). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute.
Study Document
...Organizational change Discovery
The work-life balance is important for anyone who has a life outside of work. Some people make their careers their whole lives and they manage to be successful because they do not have any real life outside of their work. They live to work and that is fine for them. However, most people do not live that way: most people have a family outside of work; they have friends, they have children or spouses, and they have duties and obligations that they must meet outside of what they do professionally. Sometimes these duties relate to the community or to a church or to a school or to a house or family. The bottom line is that these duties necessitate that a person be able to balance the work-life relationship in a way that sufficient time is given to both one’s professional responsibilities and to one’s private responsibilities.
The concept……
Sanfilippo, M. (2020). How to improve your work-life balance. Retrieved from
Weber, J. (2018). 17 Ways Companies Help Employees Achieve Work-Life Balance. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Organizational change Ethical Issues
Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of interest emerges when an inividual in power uses their position to exploit situations to their advantage. For instance, if a law firm attempted representing the same couple in a divorce case (Legal Dictionary, 2018). Conflict of interest is a manifestation of structural failures of any society. The practice touches on a wide range of societal elements, including legal, political, and administrative aspects. Once public officers engage in acts of conflict of interest, they lose public trust (Pathranarakul, 2005).
Prosecutors often find themselves in the tight sport of conflict of interest. It is easy to be diverted from the mission to deliver justice when one is a prosecutor because of the ever-conflicting interests, and motivations one is exposed to (Green &Roiphe, 2017). In the case of lawyers, incidents in which personal interest comes into conflict with that of the client amount to a conflict……
Alterio, E. (2011). From judicial comity to legal comity: A judicial solution to global disorder?I-CON, 9(2), 394-424. doi: 10.1093/icon/mor036
BrainMass. (2019). Correctional officer subculture: Ethics. Retrieved from
Filgueiras, F. (2011).Transparência e controle da corrupção no Brasil. In: Corrupção e sistemapolítico no Brasil, edited by Leonardo Avritzer and Fernando Filgueiras. Rio de Janeiro: CivilizaçãoBrasileira.
Kindregan, C. (1975).Conflict of interest and the lawyer in civil practice. Retrieved from
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Lilles, H. (2002). Circle sentencing: Part of the restorative justice continuum. IIRP. Retrieved from
Montes, A., Mears, D., &Conchran, J. (2016). The privatization debate: A conceptual framework for improving (public and private) corrections. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 32(4). Retrieved from
Off, C. (1999). How can we trust our fellow citizens? In: Democracy and trust, edited by Mark Warren. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Study Document
...Organizational change Strategic Supply Chain Management: Case Study
I. Executive Summary
Strategic supply chain management consists of strategic, tactical and operational levels, wherein general planning, short-term process decision-making, and day-to-day operations are planned and executed. This case study examines the supply chain issues of Krebbler-McCray Home Products and provides recommendations together with an integration implementation and monitoring plan to address both the long and short term issues presented in the case. The report is organized in the following sections: Issues Identification, Environmental Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, Alternatives and Options, Recommendations, Implementation, and Monitor and Control. It covers the strategy and market position of the company, the supply chain decisions that have to be made, evaluation criteria, possible alternatives, quantitative and non-quantitative analysis, how the best strategy can be implemented, and how the company be know whether the strategy has been successful.
The main points of this summary are the following:
1. The……
Channick, Robert. “Fallout from China Trade War,” Chicago Tribune, 2019.
Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain Management Association. Digital File.
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