Personal Development Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Cultural Identity Development

Pages: 8 (2411 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12452469

… with one another.
Identity is multifaceted in nature: it may be relational and circumstantial, as well as concurrently permanent, changing and dynamic. Identity development occurs via a process of socialization. It may or may not be self-established. It is, rather frequently, employed in the labeling and categorization of persons … at an advantage in terms of influence and freedom and others, concurrently, being less fortunate (Babbitt, 2013). In this paper, the subject of development of cultural identity and connected issues will be discussed. Moreover, this paper will facilitate an understanding of my own cultural identity through the … be discussed. Moreover, this paper will facilitate an understanding of my own cultural identity through the application of a model of cultural identity development.
Summary of GSA Self-Assessment
The foremost step to become a culturally sensitive and proficient counselor in a multicultural setting is: self-examination, which encompasses … equal likelihood of stating that……



Allport, G. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Babbitt, N. (2013). Identities: Markers of power and privilege. Retrieved from 

Baldwin, J. A. (1984). African self-consciousness and the mental health of African-Americans. Journal of Black Studies, 15, 177-194.

Clark, K. B. (1965). Dark ghetto. New York: Harper & Row.

Cross, W. E. (1991). Shades of black: Diversity in African-American identity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Horowitz, R. (1939). Racial aspects of self-identification in nursery school children. Journal of Psychology, 7, 91-99.

Kambon, K. (I 992). The African personality in America: An Aitricancentered framework. Tallahassee, FL: Nubian Nation Publications

Kardiner, A., & Ovesey, L. (1951). The mark of oppression. New York: Norton.


Study Document Study Document

Individual Self Esteem Growth And Development

Pages: 4 (1244 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45484325

development of Self-Esteem
As self-aware and self-reflective beings, numerous individuals instinctively identify the significance of self-esteem. Self-esteem is, therefore, more of perception instead of … three needs, esteem needs become progressively more significant.
Specifically, these needs comprise of the need for things that mirror on an individual’s self-esteem, personal value, social acknowledgment, and achievement. At this juncture, it becomes significant to attain the respect and gratitude of other persons. Individuals have to … effects…[break]…the workplace, as parents, while in love, and also during sex. The author indicates that self-esteem comprises two constituents, including a feeling of personal capability and also a feeling of personal worth and value. Both of these constituents mirror the implied judgment of an individual’s capacity to deal with and handle the challenges in ……



Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.

Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.

Watts, R. (2015). Adler’s individual psychology: The original positive psychology. REVISTA DE PSICOTERAPIA, 26 (102) 123-131.


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Strategy Development For Nonprofit Organizations

Pages: 3 (935 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Case Study Document #:80792478

Strategy development
Big Splash
Making a big splash to establish a new policy has its risks, but this approach can be advantageous as well. The ……



Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Carroll, J. & Hatakenata, S. (2001) Driving organizational change in the midst of a crisis. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved March 21, 2020 from 

Wright, B., Christensen, R. & Isett, K. (2011) Motivated to adapt? The role of public service motivation as employees face organizational change.


Study Document Study Document

Learning Goals Real Life Experience And Personal Experience

Pages: 10 (3023 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:36646335

… functions.
Sex offender supervision has a singular general model
The lack of official policies for supervising sex offenders has led to the development of several policies that detail the minimum standards for the management and supervision of offenders. Some of the key standards and practices in ……


Study Document Study Document

Bass Pro Management

Pages: 7 (2070 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:46716922

… the company wants its employees to know it will be there for them to help them with their financial needs: “When disaster or personal hardship strikes, we are there to provide a hand up through the Bass Pro Cares Fund. Associates help contribute to the fund and … right fit may be difficult to do and ultimately unrealistic given the changes in culture over time. Thus, the company should aim to personal its approach to leadership and implement more of a servant leadership style, which would facilitate the mentorship program that……



Babin, B. J., & Attaway, J. S. (2000). Atmospheric affect as a tool for creating value and gaining share of customer. Journal of Business research, 49(2), 91-99.

Bass Pro Shops Employee Reviews. (2017). For manager. Retrieved from 

De Vries, M.F.K., 1998. Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), pp.7-21.

Klein, H. J., & Polin, B. (2012). Are organizations on board with best practices onboarding. The Oxford handbook of organizational socialization, 267-287.

Life at Bass Pro Shops. (2018). Careers. Retrieved from

Orpen, C. (1997). The effects of formal mentoring on employee work motivation, organizational commitment and job performance. The Learning Organization, 4(2), 53-60.

Randolph Thomas, H., & Horman, M. J. (2006). Fundamental principles of workforce management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(1), 97-104.


Study Document Study Document

Drug Abuse

Pages: 8 (2545 words) Sources: 21 Document Type:literature review Document #:24528043

… because their bodies and minds are still developing and when drugs are introduced to their systems, the impact can be devastating to them personal in physical and mental health terms (Stockings et al., 2016). Yet all around the developed world this is happening. Children are being brought … 2018). This is a serious problem and the impacts of this problem need to be better understood as they likely extend beyond the development effects and impact society as well. The population involved in this study is the young school age population—specifically children who are between ages … show that the situation is dire and the general impact of drug abuse among school children in the developed world includes: negative cognitive development, increased risky behavior, lack of productivity, decline in living standards and familial relations, decline in social or civic duty, and a decline in … more children are experimenting with……



Baggio, S., Spilka, S., Studer, J., Iglesias, K., & Gmel, G. (2016). Trajectories of drug use among French young people: Prototypical stages of involvement in illicit drug use. Journal of Substance Use, 21(5), 485-490.

Bonyani, A., Safaeian, L., Chehrazi, M., Etedali, A., Zaghian, M., & Mashhadian, F. (2018). A high school-based education concerning drug abuse prevention. Journal of education and health promotion, 7.

Chu, Y. W. L. (2015). Do medical marijuana laws increase hard-drug use?. The Journal of Law and Economics, 58(2), 481-517.

Downes, D. (2017). The drug addict as a folk devil. In Drugs and politics (pp. 89-97). Routledge.

Goodchild, M., Nargis, N., & d\\'Espaignet, E. T. (2018). Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases. Tobacco control, 27(1), 58-64.

Grant, C. N., & Bélanger, R. E. (2017). Cannabis and Canada’s children and youth.  Paediatrics & child health, 22(2), 98-102.

Herbert, A., Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A., McGhee, J., Li, L., & Gilbert, R. (2016). Time-trends in rates of hospital admission of adolescents for violent, self-inflicted or drug/alcohol-related injury in England and Scotland, 2005–11: population-based analysis. Journal of Public Health, 39(1), 65-73.

Henkel, D., & Zemlin, U. (2016). Social inequality and substance use and problematic gambling among adolescents and young adults: a review of epidemiological surveys in Germany. Current drug abuse reviews, 9(1), 26-48.


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Parent Family And Engagement Advocacy Event Plan

Pages: 5 (1604 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:48140575

… is fruitful for a brighter future of their children. Involving parents is valuable since they help their child in considering options for career development and influence the way the child has to make transitions from high-school to college, their career determination, exploration, consideration, and self-belief (Oomen, 2016). … an impact on their child’s prospective exploration in various ways, such as skill acquirement, safety from undesirable experiences, increasing rational thinking, improving character development, strengthening personal accountability and accomplishment of parents’ personal goals. Studies have also shown that students themselves were affirmative of the positive effects of school counselors in helping them gain career guidance … for several aspects of college life, like taking admission tests, giving details about financing needs for secondary education and training, special workshops on personal development along with presentations, and provision of specialized counseling to the students with individual attention (US Department of Education, 2007). The……



Amoah, S.A., Kwofie, I. & Kwofie, F.A.A. (2015). The school counselor and students’ career choice in high school: The assessor’s perspective in a Ghanaian case. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(23), 57-65. 

Kaplan. (2020). Planning your family engagement event. 

Oomen, A. (2016). Parental involvement in career education and guidance in secondary education. Journal of the Institute for Career Education and Counseling, 37. DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.3707

Survey Monkey. (2020). Post event feedback survey template. template/?program=7013A000000mweBQAQ&utm_bu=CR&utm_campaign=71700000064348497&utm_adgroup=58700005704021004&utm_content=39700052007397610&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=adwords&utm_term=p52007397610&utm_kxconfid=s4bvpi0ju&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZL6BRCmARIsAH6XFDLPCt8pJXJnfLRhNpT_EG2X1BzHdZyoA0FXVEQgCY42MsHc2GfZw8aAsV9EALw_wcB&gclsr c=aw.ds

US Department of Education. (2007, October 16). College and career guidance and counseling. 


Study Document Study Document

Effectiveness Of The War On Drugs

Pages: 14 (4146 words) Sources: 18 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:69451857

… 2018; Pearl, 2018).
2. White collar crime (tobacco and pharmaceutical industries) (Netherland, & Hansen, 2017).
III. Literature Review
A. Balancing public health/safety with personal liberty/self-empowerment (ACLU, 2020; Payne & Hutton, 2017).
B. Alternate strategies, pilot projects
1. Cannabis law reform (ACLU, 2020; Coyne & Hall, 2018; Godlee,& ……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

War On Drugs

Pages: 13 (4034 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:73696424

… sociological issues
1. Organized crime and terrorism
2. White collar crime (tobacco and pharmaceutical industries)
III. Literature Review
A. Balancing public health/safety with personal liberty/self-empowerment
B. Alternate strategies, pilot projects
1. Cannabis law reform
2. Psychedelics
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusions
A. The war on drugs is a ……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

US Army Human Resource Doctrine

Pages: 5 (1545 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:56267713

… Sergeant Major have to develop the leadership skills of soldiers for organizational success. Human Resources Support (FM 1-0) and Army Training and Leader development outline the best approach for developing future Army leaders. Furthermore, Army Training and Leader development describe an organizational framework for developing the next generation of Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) based on three learning domains: Namely, self-development, operational, and institutional (United States Department of the Army, 2017). Senior leaders / Sergeant Major should also read the following publications: Theater-Level Human … It means that a leader has to develop a sense of commitment among soldiers. Given this fact, a leader can effectively enhance leadership development through coaching and mentoring.
The army develops its future leaders which is critical for organizational success. As a senior leader in the … leaders which is critical for organizational success. As a senior leader in the US Army, I will set……



United States Department of the Army. (2014). Field Manual FM 1-0 Human Resources Support April 2014. Retrieved from website: 

United States Department of the Army. (2013). Field Manual FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army March 2013. Retrieved from website:

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