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...Personal development Literature Review
As Masini (2010) shows, animal-assisted therapy can be quite useful in helping patients engaging in substance abuse treatment. Masini (2010) highlights the benefits of equine-assisted psychotherapy in particular, as do Hauge, Kvalem, Berget, Enders-Slegers & Braastad (2014), who note that engaging clients with horses can facilitate the perception of having a stronger social support. As social support is a necessary part to overcoming or battling substance abuse, the animal-assisted intervention can be seen as a positive influence (Birtel, Wood & Kempa, 2017; Muela, Balluerka, Amiano, Caldentey & Aliri, 2017).
Animal-assisted therapy can have a positive effect on engagement and retention of individuals in substance abuse treatment. Kelly and Cozzolino (2015), for example, have shown that at-risk youth have been aided by animal-assisted therapy in their attempts to overcome issues of substance abuse. Animal-assisted therapy represents a “goal-oriented adjunct to traditional therapy programs” (Kelly & Cozzolino, 2015, p. 421).……
Birtel, M. D., Wood, L., & Kempa, N. J. (2017). Stigma and social support in substance abuse: Implications for mental health and well-being. Psychiatry Research, 252, 1-8.
Contalbrigo, L., De Santis, M., Toson, M., Montanaro, M., Farina, L., Costa, A., & Nava,F. (2017). The efficacy of dog assisted therapy in detained drug users: A pilot study in an Italian attenuated custody institute. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(7), 683.
Hauge, H., Kvalem, I. L., Berget, B., Enders-Slegers, M. J., & Braastad, B. O. (2014). Equine-assisted activities and the impact on perceived social support, self-esteem and self-efficacy among adolescents–an intervention study. International journal of adolescence and youth, 19(1), 1-21.
Kelly, M. A., & Cozzolino, C. A. (2015). Helping at-risk youth overcome trauma and substance abuse through animal-assisted therapy. Contemporary Justice Review, 18(4), 421-434.
Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E. A., Walderhaug, E., & Ravndal, E. (2015). Substance use disorder treatment retention and completion: a prospective study of horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for young adults. Addiction science & clinical practice, 10(1), 21.
Klemetsen, M. G., & Lindstrom, T. C. (2017). Animal-assisted therapy in the treatment of substance use disorders: A systematic mixed methods review. Human-Animal Interaction Bull, 5, 90-117.
Masini, A., PhD. (2010). Equine-assisted psychotherapy in clinical practice. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 48(10), 30-34. doi:
Muela, A., Balluerka, N., Amiano, N., Caldentey, M. A., & Aliri, J. (2017). Animal-assisted psychotherapy for young people with behavioural problems in residential care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(6), O1485-O1494. doi:
Study Document
… privacy have become the greatest issue facing 21st century ethical leadership. Indeed, public and private sector organizations of all types routinely collect consumers’ personal information and use it in ways that are violative of the spirit if not the letter of the law, and the proliferation of … threat to ethical leadership, including recent and current trends in global leadership. In addition, a discussion concerning the various ways that threats to personal privacy manifest and what organizational and leadership theorists maintain should be done about them is followed by a summary of the research and … by a summary of the research and the key findings that emerged in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Overview of threats to personal privacy
Together with freedom of speech and religion, many consumers prize their personal privacy above all else. Although the concept lacks definitional clarity, the term “privacy” is generally used……
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Study Document
… of the nature of that system and the reasons it is not just imperfect but in major need of reform if not total re-development. The reason I say that is I have come to understood criminological theories that explain why crime happens, and mental health issues are ……
Evans Cuellar, A., McReynolds, L. S., & Wasserman, G. A. (2006). A cure for crime: Can mental health treatment diversion reduce crime among youth?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, 25(1), 197-214.
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Study Document
A personal Philosophy of Education
In sum, I believe the long-range impact that educational leadership should have on stakeholders and on the community includes … involvement of parents in their children’s education and lobbying policymakers for additional classroom educators. The purpose of this paper is to explicate my personal leadership philosophy as it applies to education as well as a discussion concerning the rationale in support of this philosophy.
My personal philosophy of leadership is that educational leaders can play a vitally important role in providing students with the critical thinking skills required in … combine to determine how well young learners acquire skills and knowledge.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of my personal philosophy of educational leadership with respect to the need to help all students achieve the full potential, including developing the critical thinking skills … is increasingly……
Black’s Law Dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.
Blakesley, S. (2011, July). Defining educational leadership in Canada\\'s Yukon Territory: \\"Hmmm, that\\'s a good question ...\\" Canadian Journal of Education, 34(1), 4-7.
Bowser, A. & Hux, A. (2014, September). The roles of site-based mentors in educational leadership programs. College Student Journal, 48(3), 468-471.
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Cushman, K. (2009, December). Subjects, or citizens? High school students talk about investing in their schools: If we want to know what students think, Ms. Cushman suggests that we ask them. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(4), 316.
Demirci, F. & Ozyurek, C. (2017, December). The effects of using concept cartoons in astronomy subjects on critical thinking skills among seventh grade students. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 10(2), 243.
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Litvinov, A. (2017, March 16). Forgotten purpose: Civics education in public schools. NEA Today. Retrieved from .
Study Document
personal Philosophy of Nursing
Having a personal philosophy of nursing is important because it provides the nurse with an understanding of the framework that will be applied in the nurse’s … it provides the nurse with an understanding of the framework that will be applied in the nurse’s own career of caring for patients. personal understanding is the bedrock of growth and development. So it is appropriate to stop and consider how one’s own philosophy of nursing aligns with one’s view of the nursing metaparadigm. This … one’s own philosophy of nursing aligns with one’s view of the nursing metaparadigm. This paper will identify the factors that have influenced my development of my personal nursing philosophy. It will also discuss my thoughts regarding the nursing metaparadigm. Finally, it will examine the nursing theory that is most compatible … It will also discuss my thoughts regarding the nursing metaparadigm. Finally,……
Erickson, H. L. (2007). Philosophy and theory of holism. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(2), 139-163.
Faust C. (2002). Orlando's deliberative nursing process theory: a practice application in an extended care facility. Journal of Gerontology Nursing, 28(7), 14-8.
Frank, L., Engelke, P., & Schmid, T. (2003). Health and community design: The impact of the built environment on physical activity. Island Press.
McCormack, L., Thomas, V., Lewis, M. A., & Rudd, R. (2017). Improving low health literacy and patient engagement: a social ecological approach. Patient education and counseling, 100(1), 8-13.
Rajabpour, S., & Rayyani, M. (2019). The relationship between Iranian patients’ perception of holistic care and satisfaction with nursing care. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-7.
Study Document
… Impact of Primary Motivators 12
3 References 12
Motivation can be delineated as a psychosomatic feature, which urges individuals to achieve both personal and organizational objectives. In the workplace context, it is deemed to be the incentives that trigger and drive the employees to obtain better … including pension, and retirement benefits, compensation for education expenses, and even financial health (Johnson & Johnson, 2020).
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Study Document
… for this stylish and effective method of contraception. We have established that customers in the target market are differentiated based on demographic factors, personal histories and expectations. These women are interested in a reversible contraception method that is safe and effective since it enables them to make … respect to the manufacturing and distribution of Filshie Clip System, the firm’s…[break]…remain stylish, the company should utilize elegant packaging techniques. Product design and development should be constantly improved depending on changes in customer preferences, needs and demands. Constant improvements to the product enhances quality and effectiveness through … persona to improve understanding of the behaviors, needs, and demands of customers. Customer persona for this target market incorporates several factors including demographic, personal histories and expectations. Insights from the customer persona should be utilized to shape marketing tactics with respect to all elements (7Ps) of the ……
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Study Document
Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment
In list format, cover the following:
1. Name: John Mathew
2. Age: 18
3. Sex: Male
4. Race/Ethnic: Black, African-American
5. Education/Occupation: Student
… I love watching T.V., taking part in sports, creative activities, reading, and listening to music.
1. Choose any two theories/theorists on the effect of the social environment on human behavior and one theory/theorist on, Person-In-Environment (PIE).
Social Learning … to punish and reward what they do (Crain, 2014)
Psychosocial theory
Erik Erikson, on his part, opined that all humans pass through eight development stages –from when they are born until they die. The adolescent stage demands that one discovers that they are separate entities from their … (Reubins&Reubins, 2014).
The stage also manifests a positive relationship with the industrious world. It also marks the start of sexual maturity.……
Alexander Jr, R. (2010). The Impact of Poverty on African American Children in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems. In Forum on Public Policy Online (Vol. 2010, No. 4). Oxford Round Table. 406 West Florida Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801.
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Reubins, B. M., &Reubins, M. S. (2014). Pioneers of child psychoanalysis: Influential theories and practices in healthy child development. London: Karnac.
Study Document
… the likes of Thomas Jefferson. It was quickly identified that the circumstances around Lincoln’s assumption of office served to excite his administrative and personal accomplishments to mythical proportions. In the first part, he assumed office at one of the most perilous political environments of American history, with … Lincoln, himself, was an unimpressive lawyer and statesman at the time, and many regarded him as a pushover. However, through sheer will, deliberate development, and a hands-on/personal approach to political administration, Lincoln was able to inspire and motivate his cabinet, troops, and the entire nation to a common and achievable … of the followers, with a consequence of the overall betterment of the administration (Maxwell, 1998, pp. 76-81).
· Communication
As part of Lincoln’s development process, he improved his ability at writing and public or private speaking. This may be attributed in part to his initial profession as … can be……
Maxwell, J.C. (2005). Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know. Center Street Publishing. ISBN: 9780446578097. Retrieved from:
Maxwell, J.C. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Thomas Nelson Publishing. ISBN: 9780785288374. Retrieved from:
Northouse, P.G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and Practice. California, USA: publications Inc. ISBN: 9781483317533.
Phillips, D.T. (1992). Lincoln on Leadership. New York, NY: Warner Books. ISBN: 9780446394598
Study Document
… political factors thitherto his removal. One of these forces is corporate social and political bureaucracy. This factor emanated from his desire to accumulate personal power rather than that of the Disney as a company. After Ovitz left in 1996, Eisner was left as the sole leader of … left as the sole leader of the company, and the Board confirmed his status with a ten-year contract. Because of his desire for personal power, Eisner did not delegate duties. To further this endeavor, he adopted a top-down decision making model where the company fade criticism as … up of individuals who were loyal to him, and the top leadership positions in the company were held by persons who has a personal relationship with him.
The second political factor that precipitated the downfall of Eisner was the view that he was incapable of making the … on the Apple’s founder in……
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
Bright, R., & Eisner, M. (1987). Disneyland: Inside Story. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, Publishers.
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van Weezel, A. (2006). A Behavioural Approach to Leadership: The case of Michael Eisner and Disney. In Leadership in the Media Industry: Changing Contexts, Emerging Challenges (pp. 169–178). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School.
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