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...Personal goals Summary/synthesis of what I learned
The goal of the probation program is to help offenders to change for the better and to maintain that change. The probation program also works to ensure communities remain safe even while offenders are given a chance to re-integrate. The mission of probation is to ensure public safety through motivating offenders to change and to lead lives that are free of crime. The mission is achieved via the re-integration of offenders back into their communities, monitoring the offenders, supervising and controlling the offenders, and ensuring the offenders are re-entering in positive and safe environments where they can stay crime-free.
Offenders are usually monitored in various ways to ensure they are living crime-free lives and that they are truly reformed. Some of the ways include getting their telephone and mobile contacts for communication, visiting them at home, carrying out urine screens, referring them to substance abuse……
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… these policies to be annoying but expect (informal institution for perception and expectations) that ordinary people and employees should follow them strictly. The personal observance is quite weak in this regard. Culture is the set of beliefs and social norms that the person learns at an early … versus individualism relates to the degree that society fellows would look after themselves or others. Mainly in entrepreneurship, self-fulfillment, and the accomplishment of personal goals is the highlight of a more individualistic approach. This would entail the entrepreneur’s perceptions (informal institutions) towards the government rules and regulations and … would entail the entrepreneur’s perceptions (informal institutions) towards the government rules and regulations and whether those would be beneficial for their independence and personal growth. Also, individual autonomy reassures persistence and an urge to chase business aims with freedom of action.
Formal and informal institutions both have ……
Coelho, A. (2019). The role of informal institutions in the enforcement of rules and how to improve corporate and public governance in Brazil: Studies based on a set of corporate governance cases involving state-owned companies (Working Paper). Retrieved from SSRN website
Dacin, M.T., Goodstein, J. & Scott, W.R. (2002). Institutional theory and institutional change: Introduction to the special research forum. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 45- 47. DOI: 10.2307/3069284
Escandon-Barbosa, D.M., Urbano, D., Hurtado-Ayala, A., Paramo, J.S. & Dominguez, A.Z. (2019). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and entrepreneurial activity: A comparative relationship between rural and urban areas in Colombia. Journal of Urban Management, 8(3), 458-471.
Estrin, S. & Prevezer, M. (2010). The role of informal institutions in corporate governance: Brazil, Russia, India, and China compared. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 41- 67.
Kaufmann, W., Hooghiemstra, R. & Feeney, M.K. (2018). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and red tape: A comparative study. Public Administration, 96(2), 386-403.
Meluch, A.L. (2016, August). Understanding the organizational and institutional origins of social support in a cancer support center. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from!etd.send_file?accession=kent1466944822&disposition=inline
Torniainen, T.J. & Sasstamoinen, O.J. (2007). Formal and informal institutions and their hierarchy in the regulation of the forest lease in Russia. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 80(5), 489-501.
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… on their child’s prospective exploration in various ways, such as skill acquirement, safety from undesirable experiences, increasing rational thinking, improving character development, strengthening personal accountability and accomplishment of parents’ personal goals. Studies have also shown that students themselves were affirmative of the positive effects of school counselors in helping them gain career guidance thorough … for several aspects of college life, like taking admission tests, giving details about financing needs for secondary education and training, special workshops on personal development along with presentations, and provision of specialized counseling to the students with individual attention (US Department of Education, 2007). The event is ……
Amoah, S.A., Kwofie, I. & Kwofie, F.A.A. (2015). The school counselor and students’ career choice in high school: The assessor’s perspective in a Ghanaian case. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(23), 57-65.
Kaplan. (2020). Planning your family engagement event.
Oomen, A. (2016). Parental involvement in career education and guidance in secondary education. Journal of the Institute for Career Education and Counseling, 37. DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.3707
Survey Monkey. (2020). Post event feedback survey template. template/?program=7013A000000mweBQAQ&utm_bu=CR&utm_campaign=71700000064348497&utm_adgroup=58700005704021004&utm_content=39700052007397610&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=adwords&utm_term=p52007397610&utm_kxconfid=s4bvpi0ju&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZL6BRCmARIsAH6XFDLPCt8pJXJnfLRhNpT_EG2X1BzHdZyoA0FXVEQgCY42MsHc2GfZw8aAsV9EALw_wcB&gclsr c=aw.ds
US Department of Education. (2007, October 16). College and career guidance and counseling.
Study Document
… come together as a team in spite of their animosity, then the project is going to fail and some may not reach their personal goals. Tuckman’s five stages of group development may be helpful in solving the problem.
Keywords: Tuckman’s five, team development, working abroad
Questions for Franklin … want to be abroad and two of whom hate each other. FEL should have used better criteria when assembling the team, such as personal preferences for travel and which workers have a history of working well together. However, the team has been selected and now Jobe must ……
Lumsden, G., Lumsden, D., & Weithoff, C. (2010). Communicating in groups and teams: Sharing leadership (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Muslihat, D. (2018). Why You Need Good Teamwork For Project Management Success. Retrieved from
Natvig, D., & Stark, N. L. (2016). A project team analysis using Tuckman's model of small-group development. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(12), 675-681.
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Lifelong Learning Plan
I have both personal and professional reasons for wanting to develop a lifelong learning plan. I am in Clarksville, TN, near the Army post at Fort Campbell, … or book. Leadership is complex and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to it (Northouse, 2016). As Stogdill (1948) notes there are many different personal factors that can be associated with leadership, from personal traits to background to experience and so on.
The guiding healthcare book that provides the basis for my understanding/approaches/actions in the health care ……
Freeman, E. (2001). Substance Abuse Intervention, Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Systems Change: Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups to Empower Themselves. Columbia University Press.
Maxwell, J. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
Stogdill, R. M. (1948). Personal factors associated with leadership: A survey of the literature. Journal of Psychology, 25, 35–71.
Study Document
personal Reflection Paper
When it comes to my relationship with my friend Joey, we all seem to end up arguing no matter what … relationship with my friend Joey, we all seem to end up arguing no matter what the situation is. I have a very dominant personal as does he, and our conflict styles butt heads. In this paper, I will explore my conflict communication with Joey and analyze TRIP … as does he, and our conflict styles butt heads. In this paper, I will explore my conflict communication with Joey and analyze TRIP goals, power and conflict styles and how they apply to my relationship. Then I will explain how to improve my conflict communication and identify … and identify how I would help someone to use conflict communication concepts affecting the working of a team.
Explanation of the Concepts
TRIP goals
According to Hocker and Wilmot……
Hocker, J.W., & Wilmot, W.W. (2014). Interpersonal conflict (9th ed.). VitalSource Bookshelf.
Sanchez-Nunez, M., Patti, J. & Holzer, A. (2015). Effectiveness of a leadership development program that incorporates social and emotional intelligence for aspiring school leaders. Journal of Educational Issues, 1(1), 5-9.
Wallensteen, P. (2018). Understanding conflict resolution. SAGE Publications Limited.
Study Document
… six areas of self-care that this action plan focuses on: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, financial and spiritual. The action plan identifies three sub goals within each area and describes the steps that I will take to reach those goals. This specific action plan was chosen to prevent me from becoming burned out at work. Self-care is important as psychologists and even the … shown. This paper provides support for the plan using scholarly sources, books, and other reference material, and the action plan shows why the goals and steps described are helpful in my self-care plan.
Outline of the Action Plan
This Action Plan will go through six realms of … and emotional exhaustion are other factors (Dall’Ora et al., 2016; Sadati et al., 2017). People should be concerned about burnout and their own personal health because of the negative impact that can arise to undermine one’s health and……
Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., &Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.
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Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
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Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.
Study Document
… Impact of Primary Motivators 12
3 References 12
Motivation can be delineated as a psychosomatic feature, which urges individuals to achieve both personal and organizational objectives. In the workplace context, it is deemed to be the incentives that trigger and drive the employees to obtain better … Motivation is a significant aspect as it leads to influence another individual within the organization to work towards the fulfillment of the firm’s goals and mission (Rozman, Treven, and Cancer, 2017). The purpose of this assignment is to examine what drives motivation within the workplace setting. This … in the Workplace
Motivation plays a pivotal role in all organizations as a key driver in facilitating employee morale and attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Some theories can illustrate a few aspects of motivation and how it relates to the workplace setting.
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of … including pension, and retirement benefits,……
Asim, M., 2013. Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with effect of training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), 1-9.
Heneman, H. G., & Schwab, D. P., 1972. Evaluation of research on expectancy theory predictions of employee performance. Psychological Bulletin, 78(1), 1.
Herzberg, F., 1987. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Harvard Business Review, 65, 5.
Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. & Snyderman, B. 1959. The motivation to work. New York. John Wiley.
Hilgert, R. L., Leonard, E. C., 2001. Supervision: Concepts and practices of management. New York: South-Western College Publication.
Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Wellness 360: 9 Innovative Johnson & Johnson Employee Benefits for Mind, Body, and Budget. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from
Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Careers: Healthiest Finances. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from .
Johnson & Johnson. , 2018. 2018 Health for Humanity Report: Creating Unique Career Opportunities. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from
Study Document
… serve others by using my training, experience, knowledge, skills, and talents and applying them in a way that helps others to achieve their goals. This perception is based on my experience as a leader in the military, where I have given a great deal of my life … better calling than to serve others, to put oneself at the service of a country, an organization, a group, family, friends, or community.
personal Philosophy of Work
My beliefs about myself, people and work are that we are all here to work. I do not sit around … ten year goal is to be working in a university.
The ELFH 616 Capstone class and other Program activities are related to my goals in the sense that they have given me the ability to develop a vision for myself and for the future that I might … the university system and that……
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