Play Therapy Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Gestalt Therapy Counseling Psychology History And Interventions

Pages: 7 (2051 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:37769060

Gestalt is a German word signifying a pattern or shape. The roots of Gestalt therapy can be traced to Max Wertheimer, who studied human perceptual illusions. Wertheimer’s research led to a holistic view of the human psyche that … view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending the principles of Gestalt with the goals of therapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used the concept of a Gestalt to emphasize the importance of holism in therapy. Humanism also became a cornerstone of Gestalt therapy, which promotes an “I/Thou” therapeutic relationship based on points of contact between individuals who are connected in an integrated social network. Group therapy and art therapy are also methods used in Gestalt psychology.
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites……



Brownell, P. (2016). Contemporary Gestalt therapy. In D. J. Cain, K. Keenan, & S. Rubin (Eds.), Humanistic psychotherapies: Handbook of research and practice (p. 219–250). American Psychological Association. 

Cherry, K. (2019). Gestalt psychology overview. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from: 

Covey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, enhanced, 10th edition. Cengage.

Jacobs, L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt theory and therapy. The Gestalt Journal 12(1): 1-25. Retrieved from: 

Kepner, E. (n.d.). Gestalt group processes. Retrieved from: 

Oaklander, V. (1994). Gestalt play therapy. In O’Connor, K.J. & Schaefer, C.E. (Eds.). Handbook of play therapy. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 143-156.

Rock, I. & Palmer, S. (1990). The legacy of Gestalt psychology. Scientific American 263(6): 84-91.

Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. (n.d.). Gestalt therapy. Retrieved from:


Study Document Study Document

Experiential Family Therapy

Pages: 7 (1974 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:26144504

Experiential family counseling focuses on role play and other multisensory techniques, allowing members of the family to step into the shoes of one another through role play exercises to better understand one another, develop empathy and work out issues together (Tuttle, 1998). This paper will identify leading figures in experiential … and the paper will conclude with a discussion of what new knowledge I acquired.
Leading Figures
Carl Whitaker helped to found experiential family therapy in the 20th century. Whitaker emphasized the role of the family in the therapeutic process and showed that the humanistic approach could be … things—the thoughts and feelings—that so often went unsaid in their interactions with one another.
Walter Kempler was another leading figure in experiential family therapy. He emphasized a need to discern the emotions that often go unsaid and unexpressed but that exist behind the words and expressions that … the Kempler……



About Kempler Institute. (2019). Retrieved from

Brown, K., & Taghehchian, R. (2016). Bottled up: An experiential intervention for emotional suppression. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 27(4), 302-307. doi:10.1080/08975353.2016.1235435

Cag, P., & Voltan Acar, N. (2015). A View of the Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy of Carl Whitaker through Movie Analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 15(3), 575-586.

Carson, D. K. (1999). The importance of creativity in family therapy: A preliminary consideration. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 7(4), 326-224. doi:10.1177/1066480799074002

Epstein, N. B., & Baucom, D. H. (2002). Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples: A contextual approach. American Psychological Association.

Napier, A. Y., & Whitaker, C. A. (2011). The family crucible. Harper Collins.

Neil, J. & Kniskern, D. (1982). From psyche to system: The evolving therapy of Carl Whitaker. New York: Guilford Press.

Kempler, W. (1965). Experiential family therapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 15(1), 57.


Study Document Study Document

Carl Rogers The Ideal Self And Animal Therapy

Pages: 6 (1743 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:76426063

… approaches are beneficial for clients or patients suffering from addiction?” For example, one approach that is currently being studied by researchers is animal therapy, wherein a person suffering from substance abuse or addiction is paired with an animal so as to learn what it means to care … an animal so as to learn what it means to care for another living creature outside oneself. The evidence has shown that animal-assisted therapy can help addicts develop greater self-esteem and learn self-management skills so that they can overcome their addictions (Muela, Balluerka, Amiano,Caldentey &Aliri, 2017). It … is that there is another living creature that the individual is to some degree responsible for. Without researchers analyzing the effects of the therapy on a representative sample, there would be no evidence to support the practice. But doing the research is the point: it gives the … practice should be initiated, what……



Asen, E. & Fonagy, P (2012) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. Washington DC.

Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E. A., Walderhaug, E., &Ravndal, E. (2015). Substance use disorder treatment retention and completion: a prospective study of horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for young adults. Addiction science & clinical practice, 10(1), 21.

Rogers, C. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press. Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. (2006). American Psychologist, May-June, 271-285.

Muela, A., Balluerka, N., Amiano, N., Caldentey, M. A., &Aliri, J. (2017). Animal-assisted psychotherapy for young people with behavioural problems in residential care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(6), O1485 O1494. doi: 

Operational Definition for Evidence-Based Practices Addictions and Mental Health Division. (2017). Week 4 material.


Study Document Study Document

How Dehumanization Plays A Role In The Lucifer Effect

Pages: 5 (1524 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:73082862

… act as prison guards. Though everyone knew the roles were not real, something astonishing happened as Zimbardo observed the effects of this role play experiment on the participants. The students acting as guards became, in general, vicious and abusive, power-hungry…[break]…The Lucifer Effect. In discussing the abuses at ……


Works Cited

Hong, J. K. “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people turn evil.” Army Lawyer, (2012), 55-58.

Maslow, Abraham. “A theory of human motivation.” Psychological Review, 50.4 (1943), 370.

Rogers, Carl. Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press, 1951.

Unkefer, Dean. 90 Church.

Zimbardo, Philip. The Lucifer Effect. Random House, 2007.


Study Document Study Document

Gestalt Theory

Pages: 9 (2559 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:29092375

Gestalt is a German word signifying a pattern or shape. The roots of Gestalt therapy can be traced to Max Wertheimer, who studied human perceptual illusions. Wertheimer’s research led to a holistic view of the human psyche that … view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending the principles of Gestalt with the goals of therapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used the concept of a Gestalt to emphasize the importance of holism in therapy. Humanism also became a cornerstone of Gestalt therapy, which promotes an “I/Thou” therapeutic relationship based on points of contact between individuals who are connected in an integrated social network. Group therapy and art therapy are also methods used in Gestalt psychology.
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites……



Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Levine, T. B. Y. (2012). Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Woldt, A. L., & Toman, S. M. (2005). Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.


Study Document Study Document

Assessment Of Clinical Practice

Pages: 9 (2570 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:36257557

… of specialization including family care and substance abuse intervention. It is a multifaceted and multimodal treatment center that provides individual, family, and group therapy options. In addition to acute and residential care options, Destination Hope also offers structured outpatient and long term options for individuals and families … What other issues besides your concern for Jim’s behavior would you like to discuss? Perhaps we can all talk about our goals in therapy. Let’s start…[break]…helping all three family members to engage in active listening and other mutually supportive styles of interpersonal communication during family engagement. The … supportive styles of interpersonal communication during family engagement. The language counselors use in therapeutic sessions is of critical importance, setting the tone for therapy and also promoting empathy and understanding to mitigate differences in culture or worldview (Rodriguez, Walters, Houck, et al., 2017).
III. Description of Learning
… mitigate differences in culture or……



American Psychological Association (2007). Record keeping guidelines. American Psychologist 62(9): 993-1004.

Fadus, M.C., Squeglia, L.M., Valadez, E.A., et al. (2019). Adolescent substance use disorder treatment. Current Psychiatry Reports 21(96).

Godley, M.D., Passetti, L.L. (2019). Behavioral interventions for substance use and relapse prevention. Treating Adolescent Substance Use. 

Hogue, A., Bobek, M., MacLean, A., et al. (2020). Core elements of CBT for adolescent conduct and substance use problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice(2020): 

King, G. (2016). The Role of the Therapist in Therapeutic Change: How Knowledge From Mental Health Can Inform Pediatric Rehabilitation. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 37(2), 121–138. doi:10.1080/01942638.2016.1185508 

Oud, M., de Winter, L., Verimeulen-Smit, E., et al. (2019). Effectiveness of CBT for children and adolescents with depression: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. European Psychiatry 57(2019): 33-45.

Rodriguez, M., Walters, S. T., Houck, J. M., Ortiz, J. A., & Taxman, F. S. (2017). The language of change among criminal justice clients: Counselor language, client language, and client substance use outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(4), 626–636. doi:10.1002/jclp.22534 

Shulman, L. (2011). Dynamics and skills of group counseling. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.


Study Document Study Document

Psychology Counseling And Reflecting On The Process Of Group Dynamics

Pages: 1 (345 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:33926547

… issues can also be challenging, particularly when a member of the group—myself included—is currently unaware of the role gender, race, or background might play in reactions or communication styles. The coursework also brought to light various approaches to specific dynamics and processes in group counseling such as ……



Brown, K.S., Janousek, T. & Ashley, J.L. (2016). Family counseling. Encyclopedia of family studies.


Study Document Study Document

Psychological Health

Pages: 11 (3279 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:50896264

… particularly with an attentional bias (AB) to scary information as well as bias in negatively interpreting vague information and data (interpretation bias), actually play a huge part in the start and maintenance of depression and anxiety (Hughes at al., 2016). There is a growing interest in health … review on various studies that exist on this matter.
When it comes to the treatment and management of depressive disorders, psychological interventions play a key role as an alternative treatment. Several treatments have been developed mainly founded on cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, or interpersonal approaches. According to … mental healthcare.
Two, the restricted figure, as well as the regional allocation of qualified experts, makes it challenging to offer personalized, face-to-face psychological therapy sessions to a broad population. Thus, there has been the development of several interventions whereby there is reduced contact time with the healthcare … important to understand how these……



Australian Psychological Society. (2010). Evidence?based psychological interventions in the treatment of mental disorders: A literature review. Victoria: Australian Psychological Association.

Barth, J., Munder, T., Gerger, H., Nüesch, E., Trelle, S., Znoj, H., ... & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Comparative efficacy of seven psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with depression: a network meta-analysis. Focus, 14(2), 229-243.

Castelnuovo, G. (2017). New and old adventures of clinical health psychology in the twenty-first century: standing on the shoulders of giants. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1214.

Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., & Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive therapy and research, 36(5), 427-440.

Hughes, A. M., Gordon, R., Chalder, T., Hirsch, C. R., & Moss?Morris, R. (2016). Maximizing the potential impact of experimental research into cognitive processes in health psychology: A systematic approach to material development. British journal of health psychology, 21(4), 764-780.

Kirkham, J. G., Choi, N., & Seitz, D. P. (2016). Meta?analysis of problem solving therapy for the treatment of major depressive disorder in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(5), 526-535.

Lenz, A. S., Hall, J., & Bailey Smith, L. (2016). Meta-analysis of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for decreasing symptoms of acute depression. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41(1), 44-70.

Linde, K., Rücker, G., Sigterman, K., Jamil, S., Meissner, K., Schneider, A., & Kriston, L. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of psychological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: network meta-analysis. BMC family practice, 16(1), 103.


Study Document Study Document

Urinary Tract Infection And Osteoporosis In Women

Pages: 8 (2468 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:75498014

… also educated on lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption and smoking. Health promotion measures also include screening for the condition since early detection play a major role in effective prevention and management. The screening is carried out through a bone measurement test known as central or peripheral … and globally. Given their prevalence and associated complications, their prevention, treatment and management has become critical in the modern healthcare setting. These measures play an important role toward health promotion. Traditional and non-traditional……



Baars et al. (2019, February 3). The Contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to Reduce Antibiotic Use: A Narrative Review of Health Concepts, Prevention, and Treatment Strategies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-29. doi: 10.1155/2019/5365608

Carbone et al. (2015, November). Urinary Tract Stones and Osteoporosis: Findings From the Women’s Health Initiative. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30(11), 2096-2102.

Eells, S.J., Bharadwa, K., McKinnell, J.A. & Miller, L.G. (2014, January 15). Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Among Women: Comparative Effectiveness of 5 Prevention and Management Strategies Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Model. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 58(2), 147-160.

Harvard Health Publishing. (2017, May). Urinary Tract Infection in Women. Retrieved from Harvard Medical School website: 

Khadilkar, A. & Mandlik, R.M. (2015). Epidemiology and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Women: An Indian Perspective. International Journal of Women’s Health, 7, 841-850.

Tian et al. (2017, October). Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Related Lifestyle and Metabolic Factors of Postmenopausal Women and Elderl Men. Medicine, 96(43), doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008294

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2018, June 26). Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA, 319(24), 2521-2531.


Study Document Study Document

Pediatric Nursing And Gastroenteritis

Pages: 11 (3217 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:91020805

… in a child. Some situations call for microbial investigation though (National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health,…[break]…time and the nature of the play. The VAS was used to measure the level of anxiety. The VAS is made of a 10 cm drawing on a card. It … from 1 to 25. Higher scores on this scale indicate intensifying emotional status (Li et al., 2016).
When asked to comment on the play interventions at the hospital, she confessed that they learned a lot about hospital procedures through the games. The children also confessed that they … less anxious because of the games. Parents also expressed similar views. The reported that Eva settled more after she was engaged in the play interventions. She was also much more at home with the procedures at the hospital.
The findings support the positive effect of hospital play on the wellbeing of children and……



Campos, M. C., Rodrigues, K. C. S., & Pinto, M. C. M. (2010). Evaluation of the behavior of the pre-school one just admitted in the unit of pediatrics and the use of the therapeutic toy. Einstein (São Paulo), 8(1), 10-17.

Caplin, D., & Cooper, M. (2007). Child development for inpatient medicine. In Comprehensive pediatric hospital medicine (pp. 1285-1292). Mosby.

Emde, R. N., & Harmon, R. J. (Eds.). (2012). Continuities and discontinuities in development. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2019). Wong\\\\\\\\\\\\'s nursing care of infants and children E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Koukourikos, K., Tzeha, L., Pantelidou, P., & Tsaloglidou, A. (2015). The Importance of Play during Hospitalization of Children. Materia socio-medica, 27(6), 438–441. 

Li, W. H., Chung, J. O. K., Ho, K. Y., & Kwok, B. M. C. (2016). Play interventions to reduce anxiety and negative emotions in hospitalized children. BMC pediatrics, 16(1), 36.

National Collaborating Centre for Women\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and Children\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Health; UK. (2009). Diarrhea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis: diagnosis, assessment, and management in children younger than 5 years.

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