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...Writing Introduction
Have you heard about servant leadership in the army? What about followership in the army? Have you been asked to write an essay about these topics? Many students in the military will be asked to write about leadership.
This article will show you how to write an essay about a specific topic of leadership as it pertains to the army or the military more generally. For one, this article shows you how to broach the topic of servant leadership and followership in the army, which is a common concept in the field of leadership studies.
Another topic this article covers is followership in the army. Follwership is a concept that focuses more on followers and their behaviors, which create all the overt features of an organization’s culture. Followership is especially salient in military organizational behavior, military leadership, and military management because of the organizational structure and culture of the……
Citroen, L. (n.d.). What is servant leadership? Retrieved from:
“Followership,” (n.d.). Citadel. Retrieved from:
Jenkins, M.A. (n.d.). Compare and contrast servant leadership with followership. Retrieved from:
Wesson, C. (2017). The NCO. Army University Press. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… present scenario, Beverly and Leonard do not have a legal relationship. It should be noted that if Leonard had not expressly stated (in writing) that no blood or blood products should be used (even if it became necessary), his mother would have been deemed to have legal ……
Friedman, L.M. (2011). Contract Law in America: A Social and Economic Case Study. New Orleans: Quid Pro Books.
Tepper, P. (2014). The Law of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code (3rd ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Study Document
...Writing Introduction
According to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, there are seven main themes of Catholic Social Teaching: 1) Life and Dignity of the Human Person, which highlights the intrinsic value and goodness of life and the fact that the human person was made in the image and likeness of God and therefore should not be abused or desecrated; 2) Call to Family, Community and Participation, which highlights the idea man is a social creature, the family is the building block of society, and men are meant to work for the common good, have children and show charity towards one another; 3) Rights and Responsibilities, which focuses on the duty and rights of the individual in society; 4) Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, which highlights the need for charity for the underserved; 5) Solidarity, which refers to the need for peace, justice, faith and charity to be interwoven into……
Barton, George Aaron. A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes. Vol. 17. Scribner, 1908.
Hunt, Lynn. \\\\\\"Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights.\\\\\\" In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31. Boston: Bedford, 2016 National Assembly. “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 26 August 1789.”
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite. Accessed November 4, 2019.
Pope, Stephen J. “Natural Law in Catholic Social Teachings.”
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching,”
Study Document
...Writing Gospel: John 11: 17-27
1. Contextual information about the community addressed:
Historical context: John’s Gospel was addressed to an Ephesian Gentile audience—modern day Turkey.
John 11:17-27 describes the meeting between Jesus, Mary and Martha after Lazarus has died. Jesus’ hour is prefigured in this text but the text should be considered in light of the whole, larger passage, which includes the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus (page 681).
2. Significant information:
Jesus knows of the death of Lazarus before Mary and Martha tell Him, indicating that he is Omniscient (page 687).
Martha indicates that she expected Jesus would have saved her brother but that now it is too late, even though she confesses her belief in a resurrection. This belief does not come across as holding much resignation to the will of God, however, for she is still upset that her brother is dead (page 688).
Jesus announces that He is the……
Study Document
...Writing Scientific Merit Paper
This paper will analyze Doekhie and coworkers’ 2018 research work titled “The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study”. This analysis will entail an evaluation of how the research work contributes to scientific knowledge and research theory, its dependability and credibility, approaches to deal with any ethical concerns relating to the research, and how the researchers applied different techniques of inquiry.
Advancement of the scientific knowledge base
The research work adds to the literature on the subject through examining the issue of patient participation in the health-related decision?making process in the course of primary care team interactions with patients and their informal caregivers within the primary patient care setting. Here, patient participation is no explicitly established idea; instead, the concept is coproduced using interactions and discussions of primary patient care practitioners, reciprocally, with patients and their……
Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.
Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (1999). Establishing the credibility of qualitative research findings: the plot thickens. Journal of advanced nursing, 30(2), 374-380.
Doekhie, K. D., Strating, M. M., Buljac?Samardzic, M., van de Bovenkamp, H. M., & Paauwe, J. (2018). The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1171-1182.
Eccles, M., Grimshaw, J., Walker, A., Johnston, M., & Pitts, N. (2005). Changing the behavior of healthcare professionals: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 58(2), 107-112.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design, 12th edition. Pearson Education, Hudson Street, NY.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.
Swan, J., Clarke, A., Nicolini, D., Powell, J., Scarbrough, H., Roginski, C., ... & Taylor-Phillips, S. (2012). Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD): advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management.
Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.
Study Document
… this about Sonny and his music, which is how he expresses his love. I think it is what Baldwin was expressing in his writing, giving his love back to his readers, back to the world.
The Rocking-Horse Winner: This is another good story that shows what it ……
Study Document
...Writing Introduction
While modern biblical researchers such as Bart Ehrman have contended that textual reliability of the New Testament is absent under close historical analysis,[footnoteRef:2] other scholars such as Michael Kruger have resisted the argument and shown that the New Testament contains textual integrity and reliability from start to finish.[footnoteRef:3] This paper argues that those who doubt the textual reliability of the New Testament are doing so from the standpoint of conjecture and subjective critique rather than from the standpoint of both logical inference and deduction. This topic is relevant for today’s world because it affects the question of faith and whether it can be possible. Faith should rest upon reason—but if one believes that the text of the New Testament is unreliable one has no reason to believe in its message of redemption. On the other hand, if one can show that the New Testament has textual reliability, one can……
Aland, Kurt and Barbara. The Text of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.
Comfort, Philip W. Encountering the Manuscripts: An Introduction to New Testament Paleography and Textual Criticism. Broadman and Holman, 2005.
Ehrman, Bart. Jesus, Interrupted. HarperCollins e-book.
Ehrman, Bart. “The Use and Significance of Patristic Evidence for NT Textual Criticism,” in Aland, Barbara, ed. New Testament Textual Criticism, Exegesis, and Early Church History. Kampen: Pharos, 1994.
Epp, Eldon J. and Gordon D. Fee. Studies and Documents: Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism. Eerdmans, 1993.
Green, Bradley. Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy. IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 2010.
Irenaus, “Against Heresies,”
Kruger, Michael. Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament. IL: Crossway, 2012.
Study Document
… and allowing the facts to shape his outlook rather than his outlook to shape his perception of the facts.
Part 3: Notable Works, Writing Career, and Awards
One of the most famous of Gaddis’ works…[break]…ruled, during the 1930s, into a gargantuan extension of his own pathologically suspicious ……
Alpha History, “Cold War Historiography.”
Branch, Mark Alden. “Days of Duck and Cover,” Yale Alumni Magazine, 2000.
Encyclopedia. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2020.
Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford University Press, 1997.
Kaplan, Fred. “America’s Cold War Sage and His Discontents,” NYTimes, 2007.
Lundestad, Geir. "The Cold War According to John Gaddis." Cold War History 6, no. 4 (2006): 535-542.
National Endowment for the Humanities. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2005.
Paxton, Robert. Anatomy of Fascism. New York: Vintage, 2012.
Study Document
… methods/strategies can you use to ensure that you avoid these errors in your work?
To avoid self-plagiarism, I will practice caution, especially when writing revisions of the subject/topic I have previously written. Second, I will have reviewers and proofreaders who have adequate knowledge of any of my ……
Dirgeyasa, I. W., & Hum, M. (2017). College Academic Writing a Genre-Based Perspective. Prenada Media.
Feenstra, J. (2013). Introduction to social psychology. [Electronic version].
Sutherland-Smith, W. (2018). Is student plagiarism still a serious problem in universities today? In Student Plagiarism in Higher Education (pp. 47-61). Routledge.
Study Document
...Writing Proposal for mandatory staffing ratios
Introduction: Reflection
Public Policy Issue
This policy will mandate that mandatory staffing ratios be met by hospitals throughout the nation. This is an important public policy issue because it would oblige hospitals that are part of the Medicare program to create a committee that is partly made of nurses who can discuss the issue of staffing. As Fowler and Comeaux (2017) point out, staffing is still a major challenge for nurses. If there are too few nurses on staff it can lead to nurse burnout. The right ratio of nurses to patients is required to prevent nurses from being overburdened (Martin, 2015). The reason I selected this policy is because it is clearly important to nurses’ own health and ability to do their jobs. It can also play a part in preventing turnover rates from going too high (Laschinger & Fida, 2015). Therefore, this is……
ANA. (2019). Nurse staffing. Retrieved from
Dousay, T., Childers, B., Cole, M., Hill, T., & Rogers, C. (2016). Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratio: Higher Patient Satisfaction. Retrieved from
Fowler, D., & Comeaux, Y. (2017). The legislative role in nurse staffing ratios. MedSurg Nursing, 26(2), 12-14.
Laschinger, H. K. S., & Fida, R. (2015). Linking nurses’ perceptions of patient care quality to job satisfaction: the role of authentic leadership and empowering professional practice environments. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(5), 276-283.
Martin, C. J. (2015). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MedSurg Nursing, 24(2), S4-S4.
Reiter, K. L., Harless, D. W., Pink, G. H., & Mark, B. A. (2012). Minimum Nurse Staffing Legislation and the Financial Performance of C alifornia Hospitals. Health Services Research, 47(3pt1), 1030-1050.
Rondeau, K. V., & Wagar, T. H. (2016). Human resource management practices and nursing turnover. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(10), 101.
Twigg, D. E., Myers, H., Duffield, C., Giles, M., & Evans, G. (2015). Is there an economic case for investing in nursing care–what does the literature tell us?. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(5), 975-990.
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